Details Publication date9 April 2019 Description The fourth report shows the progress made on the energy union since the start of the Juncker Commission. Building on results achieved so far, the report sets out legal rules, as well as political commitments and targets for a cleaner and greener world. It takes into account evolving global environmental, economic and competitiveness challenges. The energy union aims to give consumers secure, sustainable, competitive and affordable energy. It does so by overhauling European energy and climate systems and policies, putting the EU at the forefront in addressing global renewable energy and climate change. Reports 28 MARCH 2019Fourth Report on the State of the Energy Union COM (2019) 175 8 APRIL 2019Implementation of the Strategic Action Plan on Batteries - COM (2019) 176 Communication 28 MARCH 2019More efficient and democratic decision making in EU energy and climate policy - Communication COM (2019) 177 Accompanying documents 10 APRIL 2019Fourth Report of the State of the Energy Union - Annex COM (2019) 175 10 APRIL 2019Implementation of the Strategic Action Plan on Batteries - Annex COM (2019) 176 8 APRIL 2019Energy efficiency assessment - 2018 progress report COM (2019) 224 8 APRIL 2019Renewable Energy - progress report COM (2019) 225 Related documents 9 APRIL 2019Batteries and accumulators - Report COM (2019) 166 9 APRIL 2019Batteries Directive - Staff Working Document SWD (2019) 1300 8 APRIL 2019Clean Energy Innovation - Staff Working Document SWD (2019) 157 Factsheets - The energy union five years on 28 MARCH 2019The Juncker Commission delivers on the Energy Union priority 28 MARCH 2019The new legislative framework for energy and climate action 28 MARCH 2019EU pioneering action in sustainable finance 8 APRIL 2019Infrastructure map of a resilient energy union 28 MARCH 2019Building a globally competitive batteries manufacturing value chain in Europe Audiovisual material Photos Video Related links Third Report on the State of the Energy Union