Details Publication date15 March 2019 Description This Communication takes stock of the significant progress made on key Commission proposals and non-legislative files on the Capital Markets Union (CMU). This has been possible through the political compromises that have been reached. The Capital Markets Union (CMU) aims to make it easier for EU companies to get the finance they need to grow. It is an important Single Market project that can break down barriers for cross-border investments in the EU. It is central to the Juncker Commission’s ambition to sustain growth in Europe, invest in innovation and promote the EU’s global competitiveness. The CMU also aims to direct investment to environmentally-friendly projects, supporting the transition towards a more carbon-neutral and sustainable economy. A strong Capital Markets Union complements the Banking Union and strengthens the Economic and Monetary Union and the international role of the euro. The Commission’s progress report on the CMU in November 2018 concluded that financial stability is becoming more robust in the EU with reduced risk in the banking sector. At the same time, work on financial stability and integration needs to continue apace, and co-legislators need to agree on the key remaning files. In December 2018, EU leaders called for ambitious progress to be made on CMU by spring 2019. Files 14 MARCH 2019Communication: "Capital Markets Union: progress on building a single market for capital" 15 MARCH 2019Staff Working Document: "Capital Markets Union: progress on building a single market for capital" 15 MARCH 2019Factsheet: Delivering on the capital markets union