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Amending budget No 3/2015


Publication date
7 July 2015
Related department
Directorate-General for Budget


Commission's proposal: Draft Amending Budget 3/2015, COM(2015) 160 – 15 April 2015
Council's position: 19 June 2015
Parliament's position: 7 July 2015

The Amending Budget (AB) No 3/2015 is intended to budget the surplus resulting from the implementation of the budget year 2014. As provided for in the Financial Regulation applicable to the general budget of the Union , under Article 18 § 3, it is the only subject of this AB and it has to be submitted within 15 days following the submission of the provisional accounts, which took place at end March 2015.

The implementation of the budget year 2014 shows a surplus of EUR 1 434 557 707.74 (excluding contributions from European Free Trade Association (EFTA) and European Economic Area (EEA)), which is therefore entered as revenue in the 2015 budget.


7 OCTOBER 2015
AB 3/2015, OJ L 261, 7.10.2015