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News article10 October 2023Directorate-General for Communication1 min read

World Mental Health Day: Europeans consider mental health as important as physical health

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On the occasion of World Mental Health Day on 10 October, the Commission presented findings of a new survey on mental health. Recent events such as the COVID-19 pandemic, Russia’s aggression against Ukraine, the climate crisis, and other societal and economic pressures have aggravated the already poor levels of mental health in Europe, the survey found.

In fact, more than half of the respondents said that recent world events have somehow, or to a great extent, influenced their mental health. Almost nine in ten respondents also consider that promoting mental health is as important as promoting physical health.

To mark this Day, Health Commissioner Stella Kyriakides has hosted a high-level conference on mental health. The event gathered representatives from EU institutions, national governments, European organisations and other interested partners. They heard testimonials, exchanged information and good practices on promoting and preventing mental health, and how to ensure equal access for all.

The Conference builds on the new mental health strategy which the Commission presented in June 2023. Built around 20 flagship initiatives and with €1.23 billion in funding, this strategy wants to help vulnerable groups such as children, young people and refugees. It focuses on three areas:

  • adequate and effective prevention
  • access to high quality and affordable mental healthcare and treatment
  • reintegration into society after recovery

For more information

A comprehensive approach to mental health

High-level conference on mental health

Eurobarometer on mental health

Press release: Large majority of Europeans consider mental health promotion as important as physical health promotion


Publication date
10 October 2023
Directorate-General for Communication