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News article18 October 2023Directorate-General for Communication1 min read

New measures to fight organised crime and drug trafficking

Police dog checking luggage


In 2021 alone, 303 tonnes of cocaine were seized in the EU. To step up the fight against criminal networks, the Commission has set out new measures to fight organised crime and the drug trade.

The new measures include 17 actions, such as

  • making ports stronger against criminal infiltration through a new European Ports Alliance
  • dismantling high-risk criminal networks through financial and digital investigations, and reinforced cooperation
  • preventing organised crime through exchanging best practices among countries
  • working with international partners on this global threat

Fighting organised crime and drug trafficking is a priority for the European Union, its Member States, and its international partners. Everyone involved must continue working hard to fully implement the EU Strategies on Organised Crime and Drugs. The Commission will take more steps this and next year including legislative measures, financial support, and creating an EU Drugs Agency by summer 2024.

For more information

EU drug policy

Factsheet on the new measures to fight organised crime and drug trafficking

Press release: Commission sets out new EU Roadmap of priority measures to fight organised crime and drug trafficking

Questions and answers on the new measures to fight organised crime and drug trafficking


Publication date
18 October 2023
Directorate-General for Communication