Page contentsPage contents About the programme The InvestEU programme builds on the successful model of the Investment Plan for Europe that mobilised more than €500 billion in the period 2015-20. With the aim of triggering a new wave of over €372 billion in investment in the period 2021-27, the InvestEU Programme will boost innovation and job creation in Europe. It will provide and attract long-term funding in line with EU policies and contribute to economic recovery. InvestEU will leverage substantial private and public funds that are protected through an EU budget guarantee that builds on the successful implementation of the European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI). InvestEU will have a budgetary guarantee of €26.2 billion funded from NextGenerationEUresources and the Multiannual Financial Framework. The overall investment to be mobilised is estimated to be more than €372 billion across the EU, of which 30% will contribute to climate objectives. The programme will be structured around four 4 policy windows: Sustainable infrastructure Research, innovation and digitisation SMEs Social investment and skills Strategic investments focusing on building stronger European value chains as well as supporting activities in critical infrastructure and technologies will be possible under all four windows. They will cater for the future needs of the European economy and promote EU autonomy in key sectors. How to apply for InvestEU financing Project promoters should apply directly to the EIB or to one of the [other] Implementing partners, as soon as the InvestEU guarantee is available to them. This will be marked on the InvestEU website. SMEs and small mid-caps, microfinance and social enterprises may also apply through financial intermediaries of the implementing partners. More information can be found on the website: InvestEU financing will be available first from the EIB Group, from September 2021 onwards. Finance from the other Implementing Partners - national and regional promotional banks, or International Financial Institutions will be available thereafter. Programme website Funding opportunities Calls for expression of interestOpen and upcoming calls for Expression of Interest to select implementing partners under the InvestEU Fund (EU compartment).Find opportunities Calls for expression of interestOpen and upcoming calls for Expression of Interest to select advisory partners under the InvestEU Advisory Hub.Find opportunities How to get financingLearn more about who can apply for financing and how. Budget and performance Includes performance highlights, key performance indicators, and the performance framework and assessment. Programme performance webpage Programme features Programme duration2021-2027Lead Directorate-GeneralEconomic and Financial AffairsPredecessor programmeEuropean Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI)Management modeIndirect and direct managementMFF headingSingle Market, Innovation and DigitalClusterEuropean Strategic InvestmentsClimate contribution30% (ℹ) (target)Total budget 2021-2027€ 10.28 billion, of which € 6.07 billion under NGEU (ℹ) (current prices)Relevant regulationRegulation (EU) No 2021/523 of the European Parliament and of the Council. Contact WebsiteContact us