European Agricultural Guarantee Fund (EAGF) - European Commission Skip to main content

European Agricultural Guarantee Fund (EAGF)

About the programme

The European agricultural guarantee fund (EAGF) helps the EU's farmers to provide a secure supply of safe, healthy, and affordable food.

Through the EAGF, EU countries must offer

  • a basic payment scheme for farmers
  • green direct payments (for sustainable farming methods)
  • a payment for young farmers

EU countries can also use the EAGF to fund specific schemes to help small and medium sized farms, farmers who operate in areas of natural constraint, and sectors undergoing difficulties.

The EAGF also funds measures to support and stabilise agricultural markets. These measures operate as part of the Common Market Organisation.

Programme website

Funding opportunities

Calls for proposal

Open and upcoming calls for proposal under EAGF.

Calls for tender

Open and upcoming calls for tender related to EAGF.

Budget and performance

Includes performance highlights, key performance indicators, and the performance framework and assessment.

Programme performance webpage

Programme features

Programme duration

2021-2027 (transition period: 2021-2023)

Lead Directorate-General
Predecessor programme

European Agricultural Guarantee Fund (EAGF)

Management mode

Shared management

MFF heading

Natural Resources and Environment


Agriculture and Maritime Policy

Cimate contribution

26% (2021-2022); 40% (2023-2027) ((target)

Total budget 2021-2027

€ 291.09 billion ((current prices)

Relevant regulation

Regulation (EU) 2021/2115 lays down rules on general and specific objectives to be pursued with the support granted under the common agricultural policy (CAP), through the CAP strategic plans; types of intervention and common requirements for Member States to pursue those objectives as well as the related financial arrangements; CAP strategic plans, which are to be drawn up by Member States and which set targets, specify conditions for interventions and allocate financial resources, according to the specific objectives and identified needs; coordination and governance as well as monitoring, reporting and evaluation.

Regulation (EU) 2021/2116 lays down rules on the financing of expenditure under the CAP; the management and control systems to be put in place by the Member States; clearance and conformity procedures.

Regulation (EU) 1308/2013 establishes a common organisation of the markets for agricultural products, as listed in Annex I to the Treaties (with the exception of the fishery and aquaculture products).