Details StatusClosedPublication date14 May 2016Deadline date14 July 2016, 23:59 (CEST)DepartmentDirectorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs Description Details Staus Closed Reference 2016 ECFIN 015/C Deadline 14th July 2016, 23:59 (CET) Description DG ECFIN is organising a one-day workshop on fiscal policy, including public investment, as a pathway to higher economic growth in the medium to long term, on 24th January 2017 in Brussels. The workshop would allow for shedding further analytical light on the following questions: how can fiscal policy increase future potential growth? What are the most efficient policies? how do they interplay with an exceptionally accommodating monetary stance in a low inflation environment, and the necessity to reduce very high public debt?. What type of investments the EU needs to make? Is there a need to invest in core infrastructure in Europe, where public investment has been decreasing since the 1970's, partially reflecting the saturation point of core infrastructure? Should public interventions focus alternatively on other areas addressing multi-faceted growth bottlenecks, such as investment in broadband internet, public R&D and e-administration, education, child-care, health care and others? Overall, the workshop could be structured around two sessions, addressing this set of issues separately. Against this background, the Commission invites the submission of paper proposals addressing the below topics of which a more detailed explanation follows: How can fiscal policy increase medium-term growth? How could fiscal policy alleviate the factors hindering medium-term growth? More government invesments in Europe and if yes, where? Is there still a need to invest in core infrastructure in Europe? Identifying others areas of investment for the future It is expected that three to five papers selected through this call for papers are to be presented the day of the workshop, followed by the comments from discussants and a general exchange of views among the participants thereafter. Selected authors will be required to send electronically a fully developed draft version of their paper to DG ECFIN by 16th November 2016 and to present it at the workshop on 24th January 2017. The final version of the paper must be submitted electronically by 3rd March 2017. Candidates are invited to submit extended abstracts (up to 1,500 words) of research proposals related to the above mentioned topics. Papers can be co-authored. Extended abstracts must be submitted together with a signed and duly completed application form a curriculum vitae of the (co-) author(s) a list of publications of the (co-)author(s) signed proxy form(s), in case of co-authorship administrative documents for the person/entity signing the contract in case of award legal entity form financial identification form to the email ECFIN-FISCAL-POLICY-2016ec [dot] europa [dot] eu (ECFIN-FISCAL-POLICY-2016[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu) clearly mentioning the topic of the paper proposal in the subject line of the email. This mailbox is reserved solely for submissions of proposals. Submissions sent to other mailboxes or to Commission staff cannot be accepted. No other communication can be addressed to this mailbox. Deadline for submission of your proposal (extended abstract and the above required documents): 14th July 2016 (23:59 CET). Contact For any additional information please contact: Milda Valentinaite: milda [dot] valentinaiteec [dot] europa [dot] eu (milda[dot]valentinaite[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu) Lucía Rodríguez Muñoz: lucia [dot] rodriguez-munozec [dot] europa [dot] eu (lucia[dot]rodriguez-munoz[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu) Matteo Salto: matteo [dot] saltoec [dot] europa [dot] eu (matteo[dot]salto[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu) Documents 15 SEPTEMBER 2016European Commission paper: special topics on the euro area economy 15 SEPTEMBER 2016The macroeconomic effects of public investment 4 NOVEMBER 20162016 ECFIN 015/C - purchase order 4 NOVEMBER 20162016 ECFIN 015/C - application form 4 NOVEMBER 20162016 ECFIN 015/C - proxy forms 15 SEPTEMBER 2016Model privacy statement: processing of personal data