Page contentsPage contents Following the unprecedented crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, Portugal’s recovery and resilience plan has responded to the urgent need to foster a strong recovery, while making Portugal’s economy and society more resilient and future ready. In response to the energy market disruption caused by Russia's invasion of Ukraine, the Commission launched the REPowerEU Plan. The Recovery and Resilience Facility is at the heart of its implementation and its funding. Under REPowerEU, EU countries are updating their recovery and resilience plans with new measures to save energy and diversify the EU’s energy supplies.Commission president von der Leyen presents the Commission’s assessment of the original plan to Prime Minister Antonio Costa in Lisbon on 16 June 2021. RRF FUNDED PROJECTS IN PORTUGAL Legend DescriptionGreen transitionFocusing on green technologies and capacities - sustainable mobility, energy efficiency and renewables, climate change adaptation; circular economy; and biodiversity.Policies for the next generationImproving access to and the quality of general, vocational, and higher education; focusing on digital education, early childhood education and care; supporting youth employment.Smart, sustainable, inclusive growthpromoting entrepreneurship, competitiveness, industrialisation; improving the business environment; fostering research, development and innovation, supporting small- and medium-sized businesses.Digital transformationPromoting the roll-out of very high-capacity networks, the digitalisation of public services, government processes, and businesses, in particular SMEs; developing basic and advanced digital skills; supporting digital-related R&D and the deployment of advanced technologies.Social and territorial cohesionImproving social and territorial infrastructure and services, including social protection and welfare systems, the inclusion of disadvantaged groups; supporting employment and skills development; creating high-quality, stable jobs.Health and economic, social and institutional resilienceImproving the resilience, accessibility and quality of health and long-term care, including measures to advance their digitalisation; increasing the effectiveness of public administration systems.DisclaimerThe map exclusively serves information purposes and is not an exhaustive database of projects supported by the Recovery and Resilience Facility. It does not reflect the distribution of the projects funded by the Recovery and Resilience Facility across the European Union, nor across different geographical areas or sectors within EU Member States. The RRF funding amounts shown for measures are based on the initial cost estimates included in the recovery and resilience plans.Furthermore, the projects showcased are without prejudice to any future assessment by the Commission in the context of verifying the satisfactory fulfilment of milestones and targets under Regulation (EU) 2021/241 establishing the Recovery and Resilience Facility. WHAT’S IN THE PLAN? Find out more about how reforms and investments in the national Recovery and Resilience Plan help citizens and businesses across Portugal. Projects include making student housing and green public transport affordable, digitalising public healthcare and setting up and modernising specialised technological centres to invest in new skills. And many more! Country snapshotPortugal’s country snapshotThe country snapshot illustrates some of the most iconic and impactful projects included in the Portuguese Recovery and Resilience Plan that will bring positive change for EU citizens, businesses and the EU at large. The reforms and investments in Portugal's plan, approved by Council on 13/07/2021, are helping it to become more sustainable, resilient and better prepared for the challenges and opportunities of the green transition and digital transition. Following Council approval of Portugal’s plan on 13 July 2021, Portugal's recovery and resilience plan was updated on 17 October 2023 also to introduce a REPowerEU chapter. €22.2 bnValue of the plan€16.3 bnRRF Grants€5.9 bn RRF loans 117 investment streams and 44 reforms 41% of the plan will support climate objectives 21% of the plan will foster the digital transition The transformative impact of Portugal’s plan is the result of a strong combination of reforms and investments which address the specific challenges of Portugal. The reforms address bottlenecks to lasting and sustainable growth, while investments are targeted to address barriers to productivity and potential growth, such as those addressing restrictions of regulated professions and gaps in human capital, including in digital skills and education, as well as, enhancing public financial management and the efficiency of the public administration and of the judicial system. Other important investments relate to health infrastructure, support for employment of young people, decarbonisation of the energy sector, energy efficiency in buildings, sustainable transport, green transition in enterprises, and digitalization of the public administration as well as of the private sector. Finally, the Portuguese revised plan proposes reforms aimed to enhance the efficiency of both the social protection system and the tax system, promote circular economy and waste management, and further boost the digital transition of the public administration. All measures have to be implemented within a tight time frame, as the Regulation establishing the Recovery and Resilience Facility requires all milestones and targets within the national plans to be completed by August 2026. REPowerEU measures in Portugal’s plan Portugal’s plan now includes 6 reforms and 16 investments to reduce its reliance on fossil fuels, in line with one of the REPowerEU Plan's objectives. To finance this increased ambition, Portugal has asked for a share of its Brexit Adjustment Reserve to be transferred to the plan, amounting to €81.3 million, and additional grants for € 70.7 million. These funds are added to Portugal’s REPowerEU grant of €703.4 million. Key measures for REPowerEU REPowerEU reforms: The creation of the National Energy Poverty Observatory, monitoring households in energy poverty and proposing relevant policy actions; One-stop shops for energy efficiency and renewables to support citizens in the implementation of energy efficiency and renewable energy measures, and uptake of energy sustainable behaviours; Regulatory framework for renewable hydrogen management to encourage the promotion of renewable hydrogen; A Biomethane Action Plan: an integrated strategy aiming at the promotion of production and consumption and the simplification of the legal and regulatory framework for renewable energy projects, namely for electrical and environmental licensing of renewable energy and storage projects, with a particular focus on go-to-areas. Vocational training offer for the development of green skills. RepowerEU investments: Energy efficiency in residential, service and public buildings; Energy transition to support to the development of green industry; Decarbonisation of industry; One-stop-shop for the licensing and monitoring of renewable energy projects; Incentives for the purchase and installation of renewable energy storage; Incentives for the production and storage of RES in the autonomous regions; Decarbonisation of public transport; Example project: The REPowerEU chapter includes a reform concerning the set-up of the Energy Poverty Observatory. It aims to set up a body for national, regional and local authorities to monitor the situation of energy poverty in Portugal and to analyse and develop public policies for its eradication in Portugal. It will do so through capacity-building, analysis, policy coordination and analysis in different ways. As a result, the reform aims also to ensure the establishment of a financing instrument for energy efficiency measures in the residential sector to tackle energy poverty for the identified household profiles. Green transition In the area of climate and environmental policies, Portugal’s challenges include the need to make the building stock more energy-efficient, diversify energy sources and improve forest fire prevention. Key measures for the green transition Portugal’s plan supports the green transition through a large-scale investment programme of €420 million to improve the energy-efficiency of residential buildings. This investment is accompanied by further investments in the energy-efficiency of public buildings. Extensions of the metro networks in Lisbon and Porto for over €700 million will make transport more sustainable, in addition a Bus Rapid Transit Line in Braga and other investments in sustainable transport across the whole Portugal. The plan involves the private sector deploying 15,000 electric vehicle charging stations by 2025. €255 million support Portugal’s ambition to expand the production of renewable hydrogen and other renewable gases. Projects for the greening of industry will also be supported with more than €800 million. Support for the development of green research agendas, for over €1.2 billion. Key reforms include the facilitation of permitting for renewable energy related projects, the set-up of one-stop-shops for energy efficiency interventions and the development of an energy poverty observatory, all part of the REPowerEU chapter. The modified plan, including the REPowerEU chapter, has further strengthened the focus of the plan on the green transition, devoting 41.2% of the available funds to measures that support climate objectives (up from 37.9% in the original plan). Bus Rapid Transit system in Porto: Boavista – ImpérioUnder this investment, financing will go to the construction of a new bus rapid transit system in Porto with 3.8km length and 7 stations.Project locationsPortugalSee all Digital transition Digital challenges for Portugal include the need to invest in the digital transition, particularly in the development of digital skills, both basic and advanced, in the use of digital technologies to ensure equal access to quality education and training, and to boost firms’ competitiveness. This is especially relevant in Portugal, where the economy is characterised by micro-enterprises concentrated in traditional sectors. Key measures for the digital transition Portugal’s recovery and resilience plan supports the digital transition with investments and reforms in the areas of skills, digitalisation of education and business as well as digitalisation of the public sector (general public administration, health, justice system and tax administration). In the area of qualifications and skills a reform aims at updating the offer of courses and qualifications for vocational education and training and for lifelong learning programmes. The reform is supported by investments of €710 million for the modernisation of vocational education and training institutions. In the area of digital health there are investments of €300 million to modernise the computer systems of the National Health Service and increase the digitalisation of medical records. The business sector digitalisation benefits from €650 million supporting small and medium enterprises and their workers with tailored digital skill trainings and tailored coaching and support to adopt digital technologies, reforms and investment will also contribute to create a safe digital environment for the digital transition of society and business. Cultural Networks and Digital TransitionThe investment includes the future preservation of works of art and of cultural heritage by upgrading the technological infrastructure of public cultural installations, supporting their digital transition.Project locationsPortugalSee all Economic and social resilience Key macro-economic challenges for the Portuguese economy include high public and private debt levels, and sluggish productivity growth which is held back by, inter alia, relatively low levels of investment (particularly in intangibles), low R&D intensity, overall low skill levels of the population and a business environment hampered by inefficiencies in the justice system and regulatory restrictions. Key measures in reinforcing economic and social resilience The plan has a strong social dimension, with investments aimed, inter alia, at strengthening the National Health Service (€1.4 billion) and increasing the supply of social housing solutions for various target groups (overall €3.2 billion), at boosting skill levels of the population, including for the twin transition, and extending the coverage of social services, including long-term care and actions for people with disabilities. In addition, the plan envisages €250 million to support social interventions in disadvantaged Metropolitan Areas. On the reform side, the vocational education reform includes the modernisation of vocational education institutions with an expected permanent impact on skills and the upgrading public financial management to improve the quality and sustainability of public finances. Key measures aimed at reinforcing economic resilience include, inter alia, investments aimed at boosting research and innovation (such as the Research Agendas, with support of over €2.8 billion), at improving access to finance and equity investments (€1.4 billion of equity and quasi-equity support provided through Banco Portugues de Fomento) and institutional and business environment reforms aimed at boosting productivity, notably the reform of the judicial system, aimed at increasing efficiency, the reform of regulated professions and the review of the licensing procedures. Adoption of the National Strategy to Combat PovertyPortugal has set up a new strategy to combat poverty, complemented by specific investments.Project locationsPortugalSee all ANNUAL EVENTS Annual events facilitate the exchange of views on the state of implementation of the Recovery and resilience plans, while ensuring close cooperation between all stakeholders and providing a platform to discuss interlinks between the Plans and other Union programmes. More information on Annual events held in Portugal can be found here EUROPEAN SEMESTER Portugal’s plan is consistent with the challenges and priorities identified in the European Semester, the annual cycle of coordination and monitoring of each EU country’s economic policies. For a detailed explanation of the European Semester see the following link: The European Semester explained | European Commission ( DOCUMENTS Portugal’s recovery and resilience planNational recovery and resilience websiteOriginal Recovery and Resilience Plan (June, 2021)National recovery and resilience planUpdated Recovery and Resilience Plan (September, 2023)Revised National recovery and resilience planAssessment of the recovery and resilience planOriginal Recovery and Resilience Plan (June, 2021)DocumentsCouncil Implementing Decision on the approval of the assessment of the recovery and resilience plan of Portugal and AnnexCommission Staff Working Document: Analysis of the recovery and resilience plan of PortugalPress MaterialPress release: "European Commission endorses Portugal's plan"Factsheet: Portugal’s recovery and resilience planQuestions and answers: European Commission endorses Portugal's planFurther InformationPresentation to the Council of Portugal’s recovery and resilience planSummary of the assessment of the Portuguese recovery and resilience planUpdated Recovery and Resilience Plan (October, 2023) DocumentsCOUNCIL IMPLEMENTING DECISION amending the Implementing Decision of 13 July 2021 on the approval of the assessment of the recovery and resilience plan for PortugalANNEX to the COUNCIL IMPLEMENTING DECISION amending Implementing Decision of 6 July 2021 on the approval of the assessment of the recovery and resilience plan for PortugalCommission Staff Working Document: Analysis of the recovery and resilience plan of Portugal amending the approval of the assessment of the recovery and resilience plan of 6 July 2021Press Material Daily news: Portugal submits request to revise recovery and resilience plan and add a REPowerEU chapterUpdated Recovery and Resilience Plan (September, 2024)DocumentsCommission Proposal for a Council Implementing Decision amending Implementing Decision of 13 July 2021 on the approval of the assessment of the recovery and resilience plan for PortugalANNEX to the Commission Proposal for a Council Implementing Decision amending Implementing Decision of 13 July 2021 on the approval of the assessment of the recovery and resilience plan for PortugalOperational ArrangementsOperational Arrangements between the Commission and PortugalOperational Arrangements between the European Commission and Portugal (revision)PaymentsPre-financingPress release: "European Commission disburses €2.2 billion in pre-financing to Portugal"Daily News: Commission disburses REPowerEU pre-financing payment to Portugal, under the Recovery and Resilience FacilityFirst Payment RequestDocumentsPreliminary assessment of the first payment request of PortugalCommission implementing Decision on the authorisation of the first disbursement to PortugalPress MaterialPress release: European Commission endorses positive preliminary assessment of Portugal’s first payment requestQ&A on Portugal's first payment requestDaily news: Commission disburses first payment to PortugalSecond Payment RequestDocumentsPreliminary assessment of the second payment request of PortugalCommission implementing Decision on the authorisation of the second disbursement to PortugalPress MaterialPress release: European Commission endorses positive preliminary assessment of Portugal’s second payment requestQ&A on Portugal’s second payment requestDaily News: Commission disburses second payment to PortugalThird and Fourth Payment RequestDocumentsPreliminary assessment of the third and fourth payment requests of PortugalCommission implementing Decision on the authorisation of the disbursement of the third and fourth instalments of the non-repayable support and the third and fourth instalments of the loan support for Portugal Commission Implementing Decision of 22.12.2023 on the partial suspension of the disbursement of the third and fourth instalments of the non-repayable support for PortugalPositive preliminary assessment of the satisfactory fulfilment of milestones and targets related to the third and fourth payment requests submitted by Portugal on 4 and 19 October 2023Commission Implementing Decision on the authorisation of the disbursement of the third and fourth instalment of the non-repayable support and the third and fourth instalment of the loan support for PortugalPress MaterialPress Release: Commission endorses a partially positive preliminary assessment of Portugal’s payment request for the third and fourth instalments under the Recovery and Resilience Facility; Q&APress Release: Commission takes step towards lifting suspension of payments of €714 million for Portugal and €37.2 million for Romania under the Recovery and Resilience FacilityFifth Payment RequestDocumentsPositive preliminary assessment of the fifth payment request of PortugalCOMMISSION IMPLEMENTING DECISION of 18.12.2024 on the authorisation of the disbursement of the fifth instalment of the non-repayable support and the fifth instalment of the loan support for PortugalPress MaterialPress release: Commission endorses preliminary assessment of Portugal´s fifth payment request for €2.9 billion under the Recovery and Resilience FacilityEuropean SemesterEuropean Semester documents for PortugalImplementationRecovery and Resilience Scoreboard
Following the unprecedented crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, Portugal’s recovery and resilience plan has responded to the urgent need to foster a strong recovery, while making Portugal’s economy and society more resilient and future ready. In response to the energy market disruption caused by Russia's invasion of Ukraine, the Commission launched the REPowerEU Plan. The Recovery and Resilience Facility is at the heart of its implementation and its funding. Under REPowerEU, EU countries are updating their recovery and resilience plans with new measures to save energy and diversify the EU’s energy supplies.Commission president von der Leyen presents the Commission’s assessment of the original plan to Prime Minister Antonio Costa in Lisbon on 16 June 2021.
Find out more about how reforms and investments in the national Recovery and Resilience Plan help citizens and businesses across Portugal. Projects include making student housing and green public transport affordable, digitalising public healthcare and setting up and modernising specialised technological centres to invest in new skills. And many more!
Portugal’s country snapshotThe country snapshot illustrates some of the most iconic and impactful projects included in the Portuguese Recovery and Resilience Plan that will bring positive change for EU citizens, businesses and the EU at large.
Bus Rapid Transit system in Porto: Boavista – ImpérioUnder this investment, financing will go to the construction of a new bus rapid transit system in Porto with 3.8km length and 7 stations.Project locationsPortugal
Cultural Networks and Digital TransitionThe investment includes the future preservation of works of art and of cultural heritage by upgrading the technological infrastructure of public cultural installations, supporting their digital transition.Project locationsPortugal
Adoption of the National Strategy to Combat PovertyPortugal has set up a new strategy to combat poverty, complemented by specific investments.Project locationsPortugal