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European Archives Group

The European Archives Group is an official Commission expert group that was established at the beginning of 2006. It is composed of representatives from national archives in EU member countries.

The role of the European Archives Group

The mission of the European Archives Group (EAG) is to ensure cooperation and coordination on matters relating to archives. The EAG advises the Commission on issues that affect archives.

The EAG has cooperated in EU programmes, for example, to make archives in Europe more widely available via the Archives Portal Europe, and on methods for digital preservation in the eARK project. The European Archives Group has also prepared Guidelines for the implementation of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) by archive services and endorsed a whitepaper on Archiving by Design.

The Strategy of the European archives (2025-2030) establishes a link between the EU strategies and legal acts and the current challenges in the archives domain, offering a strategic orientation. Two large themes, Archives supporting democracy and Maintaining citizen’s trust in archives in the Digital Era are divided into ten concrete sets of actions related to: the independence of archival institutions and their work; participating in developing civil society; artificial intelligence; a data-driven economy; electronic identity and signatures and the continuing digital transition of public services; records creation for better information and records management etc.


The group meets two times every year. The minutes of its meetings are available to the public.