Stéphane Séjourné - European Commission
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Stéphane Séjourné

EXECUTIVE VICE-PRESIDENT (2024-2029) | Prosperity and Industrial Strategy


Europe’s prosperity and industrial strategy

As Executive Vice-President for Prosperity and Industrial Strategy, Stéphane Séjourné’s task is to put in place the conditions for our industries and companies to invest, decarbonise and become more competitive. He will work to strengthen Europe’s sovereignty in crucial sectors and technologies.

He is responsible for guiding the work to start a new era of productivity, innovation and competitiveness, looking at all different facets, from the Single Market to research, economy and productivity, trade, customs and financial markets. 

Read more about the European industrial strategy

Industry, SMEs and the Single Market

Stéphane Séjourné is also in charge of the Industry, SME and Single Market portfolio. His task is to boost investment, create lead markets for clean tech and put in place conditions for companies to grow and compete globally.

He is responsible for:

  • presenting an Industrial Decarbonisation Accelerator Act, to support clean tech in industry 
  • leading on the implementation of the Net Zero Industry Act
  • developing a future European Competitiveness Fund for innovation and technologies investment
  • supporting the setting up of new Important Projects of Common European Interest for the most strategic sectors and technologies
  • revising the Public Procurement Directives to ensure security of supply, while simplifying the rules and reducing administrative burden
  • developing a Single Market Strategy for a modernised and deeper Single Market and stepping up work on enforcement
  • supporting small businesses, notably by improving access to finance and simplifying the regulatory environment
  • introducing a new category of small midcaps and assessing whether existing regulation unjustifiably hinders their development
  • strengthening the Single Digital Gateway for work, study and business opportunities in another EU country
  • setting up an EU Critical Raw Materials Platform and implementing the Critical Raw Materials Act 
  • presenting a Circular Economy Act to create market demand for secondary materials and a single market for waste
  • developing a steel and metals action plan
  • speeding up the development of systemic standards for our resilience and twin transitions, following the evaluation of the Standardisation Regulation
  • ensuring the EU’s intellectual property policy continues to reward innovation and creativity, and enforcing the current rules
  • enforcing the Foreign Subsidies Regulation

Read more about the EU’s Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs.


supporting him in his daily work



Meetings and missions

As part of the Commission's commitment to transparency, Commissioners and their Cabinet members publish information on and minutes of all meetings they hold with interest representatives. Every two months, they also publish an overview of mission expenses.

European Parliament hearings

Read Executive Vice-President Séjourné's answers to the European Parliament questionnaire.

Declaration of interests

In line with the Commission's Code of Conduct for Members of the Commission, each Commissioner publishes a declaration of interests. A signed, authentic version is published at the bottom of this page. A machine-readable version of all declarations is also available, as required by the Code of Conduct.


  1. 2024-present

    European Commission Executive Vice-President for Prosperity and Industrial Strategy

  2. 2024

    Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs

  3. 2024

    Member of the French Parliament

  4. 2023–2024

    President of the Renew Group

  5. 2022-2024

    Secretary-General of the Renaissance party

  6. 2019-2024

    Member of the European Parliament

  7. 2017–2019

    Political adviser to the President of the Republic

  8. 2014–2016

    Adviser to the Minister for Economy, Industry and Digital

  9. 2012–2014

    Member of Cabinet of the President of the Regional Council of Île-de-France

  10. 2011–2012

    Responsible of External Affairs - “Alliance 7”


  • 1 DECEMBER 2024
President von der Leyen’s mission letter to Stéphane Séjourné
  • 30 JANUARY 2025
Declaration of interests - Stéphane Séjourné