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Investment Plan: Slovenia

Latest results from the Investment Plan

Slovenia high speed train

How Slovenia ranks within EU countries

Total investment

March 2022

  • Total financing under the European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI) in Slovenia amounts to €197 million and is set to trigger €1.3 billion in additional investments

Infrastructure and innovation projects

  • 4 approved project financed by the European Investment Bank (EIB) with EFSI backing
  • approximately €153 million total financing
  • set to trigger €321 million in investments

Small and medium enterprises (SMEs)

  • 4 approved agreement with an intermediary fund financed by European Investment Fund (EIF) with EFSI backing
  • €44 million in financing
  • set to trigger approximately €1 billion in investments with some 4,758 SMEs and mid-cap companies expected to benefit from improved access to finance

Examples of projects supported by the Investment Plan in Slovenia

Electronic tolling system: DARS

The EIB is lending €51 million under the Juncker Plan to Slovenia’s motorway company DARS to finance the introduction of an electronic tolling system for vehicles above 3.5 tonnes. The new system will replace physical barriers with free-flow, remote-charging, digital infrastructure on the entire Slovenian motorway network.

Metal processing: FORTIS MARIBOR

Fortis Maribor specialises in the mechanical processing of metals and the production of metal structures. To upgrade their machinery and purchase new equipment, the company secured a loan guaranteed by Slovenski Podjetniški Sklad and backed by the Juncker Plan. The money enabled Fortis Maribor to hire more engineers, developers and production workers for the machines.

Saving energy: RESALTA

Resalta is a small energy services provider based in Slovenia that helps individual clients, companies and municipalities across South-Eastern Europe lower CO2 emissions, energy consumption and reduce their energy-related costs. The company received a €6 million investment from the EIF under the Juncker Plan to boost its development plans. To date, Resalta has helped save 300 GWH of energy and reduced CO2 emissions by 30,000 tonnes per year, the equivalent of planting 3,400 hectares of forest.

Printed packaging: JAMNIK

Jamnik is a company specialising in producing the most demanding types of printed packaging involving UV varnish, hot foil print, and embossing. The company received a loan guaranteed by Slovenski Podjetniški Sklad (Slovene Enterprise Fund) and backed by the EIF under the Juncker Plan, which has allowed it to purchase new equipment and boost productivity.


Full list of EFSI-backed projects approved by the EIB

Full list of EFSI-backed agreements with financial intermediaries signed by the EIF