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Details of Romania's support measures to help citizens and companies during the significant economic impact of the coronavirus pandemic.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, the Commission has adopted support measures under the state aid Temporary Framework and EU state aid rules. These measures aim to help citizens and companies and mitigate the significant economic impact of the coronavirus pandemic:

  • On 8 February 2022, the Commission approved €43.63 million in aid to compensate CFR Calatori, the largest public service operator of rail passenger transport in Romania, for the damage suffered due to the coronavirus outbreak and the restrictive measures implemented to limit the spread of the virus. The support, in the form of an equity injection, aims to help the beneficiary’s economic activity.

  • On 15 December 2021, the Commission approved a €800,000 scheme to support sport clubs in the municipality of Sfântu Gheorghe in the context of the coronavirus pandemic. The assistance, in the form of direct grants, aims to mitigate the sudden liquidity shortages faced by the beneficiaries and help them address the losses incurred due to the coronavirus outbreak and the restrictive measures put in place to limit the spread of the virus. 

  • On 13 December 2021, the Commission approved a €10.3 million scheme to support airport operators in the context of the coronavirus pandemic. The public support, in the form of direct grants, aims of to address the liquidity needs of the beneficiaries and help them continue their activities during and after the pandemic.

  • on 22 November 2021, the Commission approved a €1.4 million scheme to support sport clubs in the municipality of Miercurea-Ciuc in the context of the coronavirus outbreak. The assistance, in the form of direct grants, is open to small and medium-sized enterprises active in the sport sector in the municipality of Miercurea-Ciuc, and is expected to benefit 10 companies

  • on 27 October 2021, the Commission approved a €358 million scheme to support small and medium-sized enterprises affected by the coronavirus outbreak and the restrictive measures implemented to limit the spread of the virus. The aid, in the form of direct grants for investments, is open to businesses active in sectors particularly affected by the coronavirus outbreak, such as processing industry, construction, wholesale and retail trade, repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles, transport and storage. The scheme is expected to benefit 4,000 beneficiaries.

  • on 29 September 2021, the Commission approved a €1.2 million scheme for airlines starting international flights to and from Maramureș International Airport following the coronavirus outbreak. The assistance, in the form of direct grants up to €800,000 per company, is open to all interested airlines undertaking to operate at least two new international flights at the Maramureș International Airport. The aim of the scheme is to support the activity of those airlines and the economic recovery and structural viability of the region in the context of the coronavirus outbreak.

  • on 7 July 2021, the Commission approved a €1.15 million scheme to support airlines affected by the coronavirus outbreak resuming regular flights from/to Târgu Mureș Transilvania Airport. Under the state aid Temporary Framework, the public support, in the form of direct grants, aims to mitigate the sudden liquidity shortages faced by the beneficiaries due to the coronavirus outbreak and the restrictive measures implemented to limit the spread of the virus.

  • on 21 June 2021, the Commission approved €610,000 scheme to support companies active in the independent cultural sector in Bucharest, in the context of the coronavirus outbreak. Under the state aid Temporary Framework, the support, in the form of direct grants, aims to mitigate the liquidity shortages faced by the beneficiaries due to the restrictive measures implemented to limit the spread of the virus.

  • on 21 May 2021, the Commission approved a scheme of around €46 million to support the activity of cattle breeders in the context of the coronavirus outbreak. Under the state aid Temporary Framework, the public support, in the form of direct grants, aims to address the loss of income the cattle breeders suffered due to the coronavirus outbreak.

  • on 15 April 2021, the Commission approved a €500 million scheme to support companies active in tourism, accommodation and food services, as well as travel agencies in the context of the coronavirus outbreak. Under the state aid Temporary Framework the public support, in the form of direct grants, aims to help beneficiaries address their liquidity needs and continue their activities during and after the outbreak.

  • on 24 November, a €216 million Romanian scheme to support small and medium enterprises affected by the coronavirus outbreak. Under the state aid Temporary Framework, the scheme, in the form of direct grants, was earmarked to help businesses cover liquidity shortages faced due to the coronavirus crisis, and to ensure that they have diversified financing channels.

  • on 23 November, under EU State aid rules, a €4.4 million Romanian aid scheme to compensate regional airport operators for the damage suffered due to the coronavirus outbreak. Under the scheme, open to operators of Romanian airports with annual traffic turnovers between 200,000 to 3 million passengers are to be compensated with direct grants for net losses incurred between 16 March and 30 June 2020. 

  • on 20 November, a €12.4 million Romanian scheme to support wine producers affected by the coronavirus pandemic. Under the state aid Temporary Framework, the support in the form of direct grants, aims to support wine producers meet their liquidity needs, and ensure they can continue their activities and keep jobs during and after the pandemic. Over 1,000 producers are expected to benefit from the scheme.

  • on 20 November, a €1.7 million Romanian scheme for airlines resuming or starting flights to and from Sibiu airport in Romania. Under the state aid Temporary Framework, the aid, in the form of direct grants, aims to support the activity of air operators, thus the overall economic recovery and structural viability of the region in the context of the coronavirus outbreak.

  • on 16 October, under EU State aid rules, a €103 million Romanian guarantee scheme to support the trade credit insurance market in the context of the coronavirus outbreak. The scheme ensures that trade credit insurance continues to be available to all companies, avoiding the need for buyers of goods or services to pay in advance, therefore reducing their immediate liquidity needs.

  • on 2 October, under EU State aid rules, a loan guarantee of up to around €19.3 million (approximately RON 94 million) in favour of the Romanian state-owned airline TAROM. The measure aims to compensate the airline for the losses directly caused by the coronavirus outbreak and the travel restrictions introduced by Romania and other destination countries to limit the spread of the coronavirus in the period between 16 March 2020 and 30 June 2020. This has forced Tarom to cancel most of its scheduled flights, and caused major losses in turnover. The public support will take the form of guarantee to market loan(s).

  • on 2 September 2020, two Romanian schemes, with a total budget of €47.4 million (approximately RON 229.4 million), to support companies active in the pig and poultry breeding sectors that are affected by the coronavirus outbreak. Under the schemes (one per sector), the budget will be allocated as follows: (i) €24.7 million (approximately RON 119.6 million) for the pig sector; and (ii) €22.7 million (approximately RON 109.8 million) for the poultry sector. Under the two schemes, public support will be provided in the form of direct grants. The aim of the schemes is to help companies active in the pig and poultry breeding sectors address their liquidity needs and continue their activities in order to ultimately secure food and feed materials for the food industry and maintain jobs. Each of the schemes is expected to benefit over 1,000 companies active in the corresponding sector. 

  • on 27 August 2020, a €935 million (RON 4.521 billion) Romanian scheme for supporting companies affected by the coronavirus outbreak. The public support will take the form of direct grants for working capital and productive investments, and will be co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund. The measure will be accessible to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) active in specific sectors and certain large companies related to the eligible SMEs, which have been negatively impacted by the coronavirus outbreak. The aim of the scheme is to provide liquidity to these companies, thus enabling them to continue their activities, start investments and maintain employment.

  • on 20 August 2020, under EU State aid rules, a Romanian loan guarantee of up to around €62 million (approximately RON 301 million) in favour of Romanian airline Blue Air. The measure aims at compensating the airline for the damages suffered due to the coronavirus outbreak, as well as providing it with urgent liquidity support. The measure was approved partly based on Article 107(2)(b) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU) and partly under the Commission's 2014 Guidelines on State aid for rescue and restructuring.

  • on 6 August, under EU State aid rules, the Commission approved a Romanian direct grant of approximately €1 million (RON 4.8 million) to the Timișoara Airport. The measure aims to compensate the airport for the high operating losses incurred in the context of the coronavirus outbreak. The Timisoara Airport cessated all flight operations on 25 March, on the background of the measures to limit the spread of the coronavirus implemented by the national authorities since 16 March. The Commission assessed the measure under Article 107(2)(b) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU), which enables the Commission to approve State aid measures granted by Member States to compensate specific companies for the damage directly caused by exceptional occurrences, such as the coronavirus outbreak.

  • a €1 million Romanian scheme for those airlines resuming or starting flights to and from Oradea airport in Romania. Oradea airport plays an important role in the regional and international connectivity of the country. The scheme was approved under the State aid Temporary Framework. It provides aid in the form of direct grants and will be accessible in a transparent manner to all interested airlines starting or resuming operations at Oradea airport. The aid will be allocated following an evaluation of the number of destinations, frequency of flights and the estimated number of passenger generation in the first year following receipt of the aid. The objective of the measure is to support the activity of those air operators, and support the economic recovery and structural viability of the region in the context of the coronavirus outbreak. The Commission found that the Romanian scheme is in line with the conditions set out in the Temporary Framework. In particular, the aid will not exceed €800,000 per company and will be granted before 31 December 2020.

  • on 2 July 2020, a RON 4 billion (approximately €800 million) Romanian scheme to support companies affected by the coronavirus outbreak. Under the scheme, the public support will take the form of subsidised loans and State guarantees on loans. The measures will be managed by the development bank arm of Export Import Bank of Romania (“EximBank”), acting on behalf of the Romanian State and in full independence of the commercial activities of EximBank. The scheme will be open to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) with a turnover of above RON 20 million (approximately €4 million) in 2019 and to large companies. The measures aim at enhancing access to financing for these companies, thus enabling them to continue their activities during and after the coronavirus outbreak.

  • on 11 April 2020, a Romanian scheme to support small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the context of the coronavirus outbreak. Under the scheme, support will be granted in the form of: Direct grants, and State guarantees for investment and working capital loans. The support under the scheme will be accessible to SMEs facing difficulties as a result of the economic impact of the coronavirus outbreak. The aim of the scheme is to help businesses cover their immediate working capital or investment needs, thus ensuring the continuation of their activities.