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News article13 May 2024Directorate-General for Communication1 min read

Better together: Co-creating the future of mental health

Demography in the EU, ages 12-18 - Poland


This week marks European Mental Health Week, an opportunity for everyone to work on better mental health for all. 

Under the theme ‘co-creation’, the 2024 Mental Health Week focuses on a collaborative approach involving everyone working together to develop and implement policies and programmes that foster positive mental health. 

We have all heard stories of teenagers for whom screens, along with social media platforms, have become integral to their lives, sometimes to the detriment of their mental health, or of elderly people feeling lonely, of workers experiencing burnout. The COVID-19 pandemic, the Russian war in Ukraine, climate change, rising energy costs and the cost of living have all had long-term consequences on people's mental health

In June 2023, the Commission launched a comprehensive approach to mental health to break the stigma and promote good mental health by: 

  • fostering early interventions and timely support whenever needed 
  • working hand-in-hand with national authorities to develop EU guidance on stigma and discrimination
  • committing €11 million from the EU4Health programme to identify gaps and build capacity 
  • launching a €9 million project to train healthcare professionals as well as teachers and social workers in providing comprehensive mental health care 
  • providing a further €10 million to support the mental health of vulnerable groups, such as children and refugees 
  • developing new guidelines for school leaders, educators and policymakers on wellbeing and mental health of young people and teachers 

In the EU, the annual cost of mental health problems in children and young people is estimated at €50 billion. By breaking down silos and fostering true collaboration, we will achieve better mental health for all.  

For more information 

Mental Health Week 

Statement by Commissioner Kyriakides to mark European Mental Health Week 

Factsheet on the EU's approach to mental health 

A comprehensive approach to mental health 

New guidelines for policymakers and educators 


Publication date
13 May 2024
Directorate-General for Communication