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Funding, strategy, facts and figures and contact details for national Roma contact points in Slovakia. 

EU funding for Roma integration

For the 2014-2020 period, Slovakia will receive €9.5 billion from the European Social Fund (ESF) and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).

Of this, around €400 million can be used for social inclusion measures and fighting poverty.

EU funding is not earmarked for specific groups of people, such as the Roma.

Facts and figures

Slovakia is using EU funding to help its Roma community of around 500,000 (9% of the population).

National strategy for Roma integration

Slovakia's national Roma integration strategy addresses poverty and social exclusion in Roma communities. It focuses on education, employment, health and housing.

There is a special emphasis on changing people's attitudes towards Roma communities.

The strategy relies on cooperation with a range of groups. These include NGOs, churches, the media, academic institutions and Roma communities.

22 DECEMBER 2021
Slovakia's national Roma strategy (2021 - 2030)
Slovakia's National Roma Strategy

Assessment of Slovakia’s strategy implementation

The Commission regularly assesses how Slovakia is implementing its national Roma integration strategy.

It looks at 4 key areas: education, employment, healthcare and housing.

National contact point

The national contact point for Slovakia’s Roma integration strategy is the Slovak government plenipotentiary for Roma communities

Contact person : Ján Hero  - jan [dot] heroatvlada [dot] gov [dot] sk