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Innovative and responsible public procurement in cities

Strategies and policies

The European Commission's public procurement strategy is rethinking the entire approach to purchasing, professionalising public buyers, cutting red-tape, and capitalising on the benefits of the digital revolution so that public administrations can be made more efficient, more effective, and more citizen and business-friendly. This includes policies aimed at creating a more innovative, green and socially-inclusive economy.

The partnership of the Urban Agenda for the EU on innovative and responsible public procurementhas as objective to address social and environmental objectives.

Main links

Public procurement strategy

Green public procurement

Public Procurement on Innovation Solution

Pre-Commercial Procurement

Other links

26 MARCH 2018
Buying green - Handbook on green public procurement

EU green public procurement criteria

Guide - Public procurement as a driver of innovation in SMEs and public services

26 MARCH 2018
Buying social - social considerations in public procurement

Supporting social responsibility in the economy through public procurement

Guide on innovation procurement

26 MARCH 2018
Guide on public procurement

Urban data and studies


26 MARCH 2018
Collection of statistical information on Green Public Procurement in the EU

Funding opportunities and advice

Programmes and funding opportunities

European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI)

European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF)

European Investment Project Portal (EIPP)

Urban Innovative Actions (UIA)

For more information and other funding opportunities, please visit our dedicated funding page.

Advice and technical assistance


Urbis is a new dedicated urban investment advisory platform within the European Investment Advisory Hub. It is set up to provide advisory support to urban authorities to facilitate, accelerate and unlock urban investment projects, programmes and platforms.

European assistance for innovation procurement (eafip)

Joint Assistance to Support Projects in European Regions (JASPERS)

JASPERS is the 'Joint Assistance to Support Projects in European Regions', free of charge for local authorities and promotors, which advices cities and regions on strategic planning in a wide range of sectors. It supports the preparation of projects in areas benefiting from EU funds so they meet all the necessary standards.


Action plan on public procurement

Beginner's Guide to EU Funding

Accessing regional-policy funds


Procurement of Innovation Platform


Public procurement innovation award

European Capital of Innovation

Project examples

EU green public procurement in practice

EU funded projects

EU legislation

EU legislation on procurement