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Virtual workshop: First EU-Canada Dialogue on Hydrogen

This virtual workshop aims to enhance the dialogues on the production and trade of hydrogen between the EU and Canada.

EU-Canada_hydrogen dialogue_visual

With countries urgently seeking to address rising global temperatures, they are increasingly looking towards renewable hydrogen to replace fossil fuels in sectors that are hard-to-electrify or otherwise decarbonise. With last month’s REPowerEU communication calling for the diversification of gas supplies, the European Union has further increased its ambitious hydrogen production target and aims to import an additional 10 million tonnes of renewable hydrogen per year by 2030.

To reach these ambitious goals, strong international partnerships are needed. Canada can leverage its high renewable potential to produce renewable hydrogen for both domestic consumption and export to the EU.

In this context, meetings between the EU and Canada will take place to enhance the dialogues on the production and trade of hydrogen, and to support the development of a global regulatory framework for hydrogen and its derivatives. A first virtual workshop, organised by the PtX Hub in collaboration with the International Renewable Energy Agency, will take place on 28 April 2022.

The workshop aims to

  • compare notes on regulatory frameworks for hydrogen in the EU and Canada
  • discuss elements of a regional/global regulatory framework

The event will gather speakers from government institutions, the private sector, development partners, academia and non-governmental organisations. Participation is free and open to all.

13 APRIL 2022
Agenda - Virtual workshop: First EU-Canada dialogue on hydrogen
  • energy policy | energy efficiency | energy union
  • Thursday 28 April 2022, 16:00 - 18:30 (CEST)
  • Online only
  • External event

Practical information

Thursday 28 April 2022, 16:00 - 18:30 (CEST)
Online only
Directorate-General for Energy