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Archival fonds

ECSC High Authority (1952-67)

The archives of the High Authority of the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) contain documents from its:

  • horizontal services (General secretariat, Legal service);
  • administrative and financial services;
  • specialised departments for coal, steel, energy, social policy and transport.

Paper inventories of ECSC High Authority files.

EEC Commission (1958-67)

The archives of the Commission of the European Economic Community (EEC) include:

  • administrative and technical matters (reports and opinions);
  • trade relations with countries outside the Community (in particular the United Kingdom and the United States): GATT, Dillon Round, Kennedy Round
  • negociations in light of the first enlargements;
  • customs association and union between the common market and overseas countries and territories and others;
  • development and implementation of common policies: agriculture, trade, transport, etc.

Euratom Commission (1958-67)

The archives of the Commission of the European Atomic Energy Community (Euratom) cover:

  • promotion of research and dissemination of technical knowledge
  • development and application of common safety standards for health protection
  • investments to develop nuclear energy
  • monitoring the use of nuclear materials
  • negotiations and agreements with third countries on nuclear cooperation and supply of nuclear material and inspections in member countries.

European Commission (since 1967)

In 1967, the ECSC, EEC and Euratom executives were merged into a single Commission, commonly known since the Treaty of Maastricht as "European Commission".

The archives are organised according to field of activity and cover:

  • negotiations with individual countries on joining the EU (and the outcome)
  • relations with non-member countries
  • development and implementation of common policies: agriculture, regional development, transport, research, etc.