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Commission Work Programme 2022

On 19 October 2021, the European Commission adopted its 2022 Commission Work Programme designed to rebuild a post COVID-19 Europe, accelerate the twin green and digital transitions, and build a fairer and more resilient society..

The political strategy of this Commission is to set Europe on a path to successfully achieving climate neutrality by 2050, shaping our digital future, strengthening our unique social market economy, building a Union of prosperity, and making Europe stronger in the world. This Commission is taking action to address the challenges ahead and put the necessary building blocks in place for a better future for all Europeans. This work programme sets out targeted action to complete delivery on the ambitions the Commission set at the start of the mandate and further steer the Union towards sustainable recovery. It also lists the key legislative proposals that should get priority in the legislative process to ensure swift implementation on the ground across all six of the Commission’s headline ambitions.

Key figures

New policy initiatives
Initiatives for regulatory simplification
Pending priority proposals
Proposals for withdrawal

New ‘one-in, one-out’ approach to EU law-making


one in one
To minimise the burden linked to the successful achievement of EU policy objectives, the Commission Work Programme initiatives will follow the ‘one-in, one-out’ approach. The approach will ensure that when introducing new burdens, we will systematically and proactively seek to reduce burdens for citizens and businesses in the same policy area and present costs, where feasible and proportionate. The purpose is to make sure that EU legislation delivers concrete benefits while alleviating administrative burden on EU citizens and businesses, especially small- and medium-sized enterprises.

Commission Work Programme structure


cwp annex 1
Annex I: New policy and legislative initiatives
CWP annex 2
Annex II: REFIT initiatives to simplify existing legislation
CWP annex 3
Annex III: The pending priority legislative files where we want the co-legislators to take the swiftest action
CWP annex 4
Annex IV: Intended withdrawals of pending proposals