Women and men in political decision-making
Women are still significantly under-represented in decision-making positions at all levels in politics. On average across the EU, women account for only 33% of members of national parliaments, 33% of senior ministers in Member State governments, and only 5 Member States have a woman prime minister. Progress has been slow and uneven, with large gaps emerging between Member States.
The standard measurement of ‘gender balance’ applied for participation in political decision-making is at least 40% of each gender, with national standards varying within this range.
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Women and men in economic decision-making
Women’s progress in corporate leadership has gradually increased but the top jobs are still largely occupied by men. Around 34% of board members of the EU’s largest publicly listed companies are women, an increase on 32% in 2022. However there has been no such progress at higher levels, with women still holding less than 1 in 10 board chair and chief executive officer positions (respectively 8.1% and 7.8% in December 2023). The most significant improvement is observed in countries that have taken legislative measures to increase gender balance on boards.
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What could be done to achieve gender equality?
The under-representation of women in decision-making is a very broad and multifaceted issue. It needs to be placed in the context of several policy efforts aimed at improving gender equality. This includes policies to increase the employment rate of women, to reduce the gender pay gap, to tackle gender segregation in education and employment and to tackle non-transparent nomination and promotion schemes still prevalent in political and corporate cultures.
Moreover, it is necessary to promote family-friendly policies, to support a more equal distribution of caring and domestic responsibilities, to improve the work-life balance for both women and men and to overcome gender stereotypes. Measures should be implemented to eliminate individual, organisational and social obstacles to women’s representation in leadership positions.
Men occupy the vast majority of leadership positions. They are the ‘gatekeepers’ to the positions of power. Engagement of male senior leaders is one of the driving forces for change. both in the political and the corporate world.
See more on measures to address the gender pay gap
See more on EU measures towards gender equality in decision-making
- 7 DECEMBER 2015
- 6 MARCH 2018
- 5 FEBRUARY 2018