Page contentsPage contents Key players EU countries, EU institutions, regional and local authorities, Roma communities, civil society, international organisations and academia all work to better integrate the Roma in European societies, to improve their living conditions and to address discrimination and exclusion of the Roma. EU countries and institutions The Roma have the same fundamental rights as any other EU citizen. EU institutions provide the legal framework to support the work of EU countries. 5 APRIL 2011Communication: An EU framework for national Roma integration strategies up to 2020 The European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights monitors the implementation of the EU framework, for example, through the Local engagement for Roma inclusion (LERI) project. Roma involvement The Roma actively participate in many integration initiatives. Roma civil society has a key role to play, making sure that EU policy directly reflects their concerns. Roma activists also play a role as a link between European and national authorities and those at a local level. Civil society To be effective, the design, implementation and evaluation of Roma integration measures require the involvement of civil society at national and local level. Regional and local authorities Regional and local authorities ensure the implementation of national Roma integration strategies. The EU supports many projects stimulating exchanges between regional and local authorities, including the Eurocities Task Force, the MATRIX project and the Roma-net project . The European Commission also follows work done by the Council of Europe, including the Alliance of Cities on Roma inclusion and co-finances the ROMACT project and the ROMED programme. The Local engagement for Roma inclusion (LERI) project from the Fundamental Rights Agency multi-annual Roma programme brings together local authorities and residents, in particular Roma, to investigate how they can best be involved in Roma integration actions. In 22 localities the engagement of local stakeholders, including Roma, is facilitated to enable Roma inclusion in joint efforts. International organisations International organisations like the Council of Europe, the United Nations (OHCHR, UNDP, UNICEF) and the World Bank cooperate withe European Commission on working towards Roma integration. The European Commission also draws on the research carried out during the Decade of Roma inclusion. Academia The European academic network on Romani studies teams up researchers with decision makers, while also promoting and improving resources on Roma communities.