Page contentsPage contents European Diversity Month 2024Lets' celebrate diversity!Read more The European Diversity Month embodies the European Commission's long-term commitment for diverse and inclusive workplaces and societies. Organised each May, it aims to raise awareness about the importance of diversity and inclusion in the workplace and across our societies. Together we want to celebrate organisations' efforts that help build equal and inclusive environments for all.Each year we ask organization and companies to join the European Commission in celebrating diversity and inclusion in the workplace by organizing their own internal and external events focused on the topic of diversity throughout the whole month of May. 2024 edition Find all information on the European Diversity Month 2024 Diversity Charters The European Diversity Month is organised with the support from the 27 Diversity Charters that have been established in Europe since 2004. These Charters provide support and promote best practices in diversity management to thousands of leading multinational companies, SMEs, public organisations and non-profit organisations. The European Platform of Diversity Charters now covers 27 national Diversity Charters, representing over 17 000 signatory organisations and more than 17 million employees Previous editions European Diversity Month 2023“ We need to work together to overcome these challenging times. Diversity and inclusion foster cohesive communities and capitalise on innovation and growth. To do this we must use all talents and leave no one behind. It is therefore important to assess where we stand and whether our diversity policies are delivering. I am calling for every organisation join me during May 2023 to celebrate European Diversity Month and take a firm stance for diverse, inclusive and equal workplaces.”Helena Dalli, EU Commissioner for Equality Focus of the monthThe European Diversity Month 2023 takes place during May 2023. This year the focus will be on "Assessing diversity and inclusion". To start any journey or to assess your progress, you need to know where you stand. This year, the European Commission invites all organisations to put the assessment of diversity and inclusion into the spotlight and to ask themselves: Do our diversity policies work? Do we know our employee mix? Are we open to all diverse talents? Are our policies and strategies supporting us in creating respectful, empowering and inspiring environments for everyone?How to take part?We invite all organisations in Europe, whether a signatory of a Diversity Charter or not, to take a stand for diversity and act on it. This can be done by organizing internal and external events focusing on diversity and inclusion topics, presenting your diversity policies, organizing virtual or hybrid awareness raising workshops, running a social media campaign etc. .For more information, useful documentation and link to our online map of diversity events across the EU please visit the European Diversity Month website.European Diversity Month 2022"Diversity management at the workplace must be one of the main human resources priorities for any employer on Europe. This is because when employees are valued for who they are, they are committed to their job and fully employ their talents and creativity. I invite all companies and organisations in Europe, whether a signatory of a Diversity Charter or otherwise, to join the European Commission in celebrating the EU Diversity Month in M1Y 2022 by organizing their own events to put the spotlight on the benefits of inclusive work environments. "Helena Dalli, EU Commissioner for EqualityFocus of the monthThe European Diversity Month 2022 takes place during May 2022. This year the focus will be on ‘Building Bridges’. We want to encourage organisations to build partnerships with NGOs, governmental institutions, other companies, cities or civil society to work together on diversity topics.How to take part?We invite all organisations in Europe, whether a signatory of a Diversity Charter or not, to take a stand for diversity and act on it. This can be done by organizing internal and external events focusing on diversity and inclusion topics, presenting your diversity policies, organizing virtual or hybrid awareness raising workshops, running a social media campaign etc. .For more information, useful documentation and link to our online map of diversity events across the EU visit the European Diversity Month website.European Diversity Month 2021"Let’s all take a bolder stand for diversity and act about it. Let’s show our commitment to equality and this May 2021 celebrate the European Diversity Month together. With more diverse workplaces, we will create a fairer and more equal Europe for all."Helena Dalli, EU Commissioner for EqualityDid you know that over 1 in 2 Europeans (59%) believe that discrimination because of one’s ethnic origin is widespread. One in three people of African descent say they have experienced racist harassment in the five last years. More than 70 years after the Holocaust, widespread antisemitism affects Jewish people in all areas of life in the EU. For this reason, the European Diversity Month 2021 brought an extra focus on ethnic and racial diversity inviting organisation to put this topic on their diversity agenda. It was also the main focus of the high-level launch event with Commissioner Dalli on 4 May 2021.Listen to the recording of the 2021 European Diversity Month launch eventResourcesGuide to inspire celebrating European Diversity MonthSocial media toolkit for #EUDiversityMonthDocuments4 MAY 2021European Diversity Month 2021 FactsheetEuropean Diversity Month 2020The first edition of the European Diversity Month was organized to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the European Platform of Diversity Charters and was held under the title European Diversity Charters’ Month.Its main focus was on the individual Diversity Charters and their achievements. As it was celebrated during the start of the Covid19 pandemic and strict lock downs, it was only virtual and focused mainly on social media promotion of the Diversity Charters.15 FEBRUARY 2022The EU Platform of Diversity Charters turns 10