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Digital technologies and deep tech innovation

  • a plant growing from a chip Deep and digital technologies

    Digital technologies and deep tech innovation encompass a wide range of technologies, including microelectronics, high-performance computing, quantum computing, cloud computing, edge computing, artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, robotics, 5G and advanced connectivity, and virtual realities, with a focus on the development of defence applications. 

    These technologies are essential in addressing critical global challenges such as climate change, sustainable energy, and health. Maintaining a leading position in this field is crucial for the EU's overall competitiveness and productivity. 

    The STEP Platform aims to enhance access to finance in the EU by consolidating funding from existing programs and tapping into new sources, thereby supporting the advancement of digital and deep tech innovation across the EU. 

    Examples (indicative and non-exhaustive): 

    Advanced semiconductors technologies

    • Microelectronics, including processors 

    • Photonic (including high energy laser) technologies 

    • High frequency chips 

    • Semiconductor manufacturing equipment at very advanced node sizes 

    Artificial intelligence technologies 

    • High Performance Computing 

    • Cloud and edge computing 

    • Data analytics technologies 

    • Computer vision, language processing, object recognition 

    Quantum technologies 

    • Quantum computing 

    • Quantum cryptography 

    • Quantum communications 

    • Quantum sensing and radar 

    Advanced connectivity, navigation, and digital technologies 

    • Secure digital communications and connectivity, such as RAN & Open RAN (Radio Access Network) and 6G 

    • Cyber security technologies incl. cyber- surveillance, security and intrusion systems, digital forensics 

    • Internet of Things and Virtual Reality 

    • Distributed ledger and digital identity technologies 

    • Guidance, navigation, and control technologies, including avionics and marine positioning 

    Robotics and autonomous systems 

    • Drones and vehicles (air, land, surface and, underwater) 

    • Robots and robot-controlled precision systems 

    • Exoskeletons 

    • AI-enabled systems 

Clean technologies

  • Clean technologies

    Clean technologies encompass a wide range of innovations, including renewable energy, electricity and heat storage, heat pumps, electricity grids, sustainable alternative fuels, carbon capture and storage, energy efficiency, hydrogen, water purification, advanced materials, and sustainable extraction and processing of critical raw materials. The STEP Platform aims to bolster the swift development and manufacturing of domestically produced clean energy technologies, energy storage innovations, and decarbonisation solutions within the EU. This will help create cost-effective, climate-friendly, and socially equitable responses to geopolitical challenges. 

    Examples (indicative and non-exhaustive):

    Energy Generation and Storage: 

    • Renewable energy technologies (solar, wind, hydro, etc.) 

    • Advanced batteries and energy storage (e.g., solid-state batteries, flow batteries)​ 

    • Smart grid technologies​ 

    Sustainable Materials and Manufacturing:​ 

    • Advanced materials and nanotechnology (e.g., graphene, smart materials)​ 

    • Circular economy innovations (e.g., recycling and waste reduction technologies)​ 

    Green Transportation:​ 

    • Electric vehicles and electrification of transport​ 

    • Alternative fuels (e.g., biofuels, hydrogen)​ 

    Resource Efficiency and Environmental Technologies:​ 

    • Water purification and management​ 

    • Carbon capture and storage (CCS)​ 

    • Air pollution control technologies​ 


  • Bio technologies

    Biotechnologies involve using science and technology to modify living organisms and materials for the purpose of producing knowledge, goods, and services. This includes biomolecules, pharmaceuticals, medical technologies, and crop biotechnology. 

    Reaping the full benefits of biotechnology can help the EU economy grow in respect of priorities such as sustainable development, public health, and environmental protection. Biotechnology and biomanufacturing are essential for the modernisation of sectors such as healthcare and pharmaceuticals, agriculture, and bioeconomy. The STEP platform will accelerate and improve access to funding for the EU companies willing to invest in biotechnologies. 

    Examples (indicative and non-exhaustive): 

    Genetic and Molecular Engineering:​ 

    • Gene editing (e.g., CRISPR-Cas9)​ 

    • Genomic sequencing​ 

    • Synthetic biology​ 

    Medical and Health Technologies:​ 

    • Regenerative medicine (e.g., tissue engineering, stem cell therapies)​ 

    • Bioinformatics​ 

    • Personalized medicine​ 

    • Neurotechnology and Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCIs)​ 

    • Biomaterials for medical applications​ 

    • Microbiome engineering​ 

    Agricultural Biotechnology:​ 

    • Cellular agriculture and lab-grown meat​ 

    • Plant and animal breeding technologies​