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Reform and growth facility for the Western Balkans

Programme in a nutshell

Budget for 2021-2027


Rationale and design of the programme

The new growth plan for the Western Balkans has the aim of bringing the Western Balkan partners closer to the EU through offering some of the benefits of EU membership to the region in advance of accession, boosting economic growth and accelerating socioeconomic convergence.
Insufficient socioeconomic convergence between the Western Balkans and the EU has been a long-standing issue, exacerbated by the economic impact of Russia’s unprovoked and unjustified war of aggression against Ukraine and before that by the COVID-19 pandemic. The Western Balkans’ level of economic convergence in terms of GDP per capita in purchasing power standards, currently stands at 30% to 50% of the EU average and is not progressing at a satisfactory pace.
The facility is an integral part of the new growth plan for the Western Balkans, which is structured around four pillars and aims to:

  • Enhance economic integration with the European Union’s single market, subject to the Western Balkans aligning with single market rules and opening the relevant sectors and areas to all their neighbours at the same time, in line with the Common Regional Market.
  • Boost economic integration within the Western Balkans through the Common Regional Market, based on EU rules and standards, which could potentially boost their economic growth by 10%.
  • Accelerate fundamental reforms, including on the fundamentals cluster, supporting the Western Balkans’ path towards EU membership, improving sustainable economic growth including through attracting foreign investments and strengthening regional stability;
  • Increase financial assistance to support the reforms through a Reform and Growth Facility for the Western Balkans for the 2024-2027 period with a new instrument worth EUR 6 billion, consisting of EUR 2 billion in grants and EUR 4 billion in concessional loans, with payment conditioned on the Western Balkans partners fulfilling specific socioeconomic and fundamental reforms.


Budget programming (million EUR):



more or less

Financial programming:
- EUR 0.0 million (+ 0.0)
compared to the legal basis *

(*) Top-ups pursuant to Article 5 of the multiannual framework regulation are excluded from financial programming in this comparison.
Implementation of the facility will start over the course of 2024, pending adoption of the legal basis

Implementation of the facility will start over the course of 2024, following adoption of the legal basis on 14 May 2024.


Budget performance – implementation

Cumulative implementation rate at the end of 2023 (million EUR):


Voted budget implementation (million EUR):



Implementation of the facility will start over the course of 2024, following adoption of the legal basis on 14 May 2024.

Contribution to horizontal priorities

Green budgeting

Contribution to green budgeting priorities (million EUR):



  • Activities under the facility will support progress towards EU social, climate and environmental standards and support progress towards the United Nations’ sustainable development goals (SDGs), the Paris Agreement adopted under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity and the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification. Activities should not contribute to environmental degradation or cause harm to the environment or the climate.
  • Measures funded under the facility will be in line with the beneficiaries’ energy and climate plans, their nationally determined contribution and their ambition to reach climate neutrality by 2050. The facility will contribute to the mitigation of climate change and to the ability to adapt to its adverse effects, and will foster climate resilience. In particular, funding under the facility will promote the transition towards a decarbonised, climate-neutral, climate-resilient and circular economy.
  • The facility will contribute to the achievement of an overall target of 30% of EU budget expenditure supporting climate objectives, and of 7.5% of expenditure in 2024 and 10% in 2026 and 2027 supporting biodiversity objectives. 
  • At least 37% of the non-repayable financial support channelled through the Western Balkans Investment Framework should go towards climate objectives. That amount should be calculated using the Rio markers following the obligation to report the EU’s international climate finance to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, along with other international agreements or frameworks. As early as June 2025, the EU climate coefficients, applicable across all programmes under the 2021-2027 multiannual financial framework and set out in the Commission staff working document entitled ‘Climate mainstreaming architecture in the 2021-2027 multiannual financial framework’ (SWD(2022) 225), will also be applied to climate expenditure under the multiannual financial framework’s heading 6 (‘Neighbourhood and the world’). The facility will align with the approach of other heading 6 instruments, including the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance, in order to ensure consistent climate reporting in the region. 
  • The facility should support activities that fully respect the climate and environmental standards and priorities of the EU and the principle of ‘do no significant harm’ within the meaning of Article 17 of Regulation (EU) 2020/852 of the European Parliament and of the Council.
  • The reform agendas will be consistent with and support the reform priorities identified in the context of the beneficiary’s accession path, and other relevant documents, such as the stabilisation and association agreement, the national energy and climate plan, the nationally determined contribution under the Paris Agreement and the ambition to reach climate neutrality by 2050.
  • Each reform agenda will include an explanation of the extent to which the measures are expected to contribute to climate and environmental objectives and their compatibility with the ‘do no significant harm’ principle.
  • Implementation of the facility will start in the course of 2024, pending the adoption of the legal basis. Estimates of contribution to horizontal priorities will be calculated once implementation starts.



Contribution to gender equality (million EUR) (*):

  • Activities under the facility will mainstream gender equality.
  • Beneficiaries and the Commission will ensure that gender equality, gender mainstreaming and the integration of a gender perspective are taken into account and promoted throughout the preparation of the reform agendas and the implementation of the facility. Beneficiaries and the Commission will take appropriate steps to prevent any discrimination based upon gender, racial or ethnic origin, religion or belief, disability, age or sexual orientation. The Commission will report on these measures in the context of its regular reporting under the gender action plans.
  • Each reform agenda will contain an explanation of the extent to which the measures are expected to contribute to gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls, and the promotion of women and girls’ rights.
  • Implementation of the facility will start over the course of 2024, following adoption of the legal basis on 14 May 2024.



Contribution to the digital transition (million EUR):

  • Digitalisation is one of the key components of the facility. It represents both one of the key areas for reforms, to be identified under the reform agendas, and one of the key priority areas for investment under the Western Balkans Investment Framework.
  • The specific objectives of this facility include promoting digital transformation and digital skills as an enabler of sustainable development and inclusive growth and boosting innovation, research and cooperation between academic institutions and industry in support of the green and digital transitions.
  • The facility should support investment and reforms that promote the beneficiaries’ path to the digital transformation of their economy and society in line with the EU vision for 2030 presented in the Commission communication ‘2030 digital compass’.
  • Implementation of the facility will start over the course of 2024, following adoption of the legal basis on 14 May 2024.
  • Each reform agenda will contain an explanation of the extent to which the measures are expected to contribute to digital transformation.


Budget performance – outcomes


  • Implementation of the facility will start over the course of 2024, following adoption of the legal basis on 14 May 2024.

Sustainable development goals

Contribution to the sustainable development goals

Those activities financed by the Reform and Growth Facility for the Western Balkans will support progress towards the UN SDGs.

Implementation of the facility will start over the course of 2024, following adoption of the legal basis on 14 May 2024. Action level information will only be available after the adoption of the reform agendas.

SDGDoes the programme contribute to the goal?Example