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Class description

The Aid, Development cooperation, Fundamental rights class content covers how and where the EU provides aid and ensures aid is effective; who the EU works with and how to get involved, for example as a volunteer. Content also covers the rights of EU citizens as well as human rights in non-EU countries.

The section on the European Commission website links through to content from DGs European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid (ECHO); International Cooperation and Development (DEVCO); Justice and Consumers (JUST) and to the Aid Explorer and European External Action Service.

The class indicated in the header or footer of a Commission website links to its landing page: Aid, Development cooperation, Fundamental rights.

Original research

As with other classes, the Aid, Development cooperation, Fundamental rights class architecture is based on research and analysis of top tasks, user needs, organisational goals and analytics.

The top tasks and organisational goals are listed below. 

Note that the original class name "Aid, Human Rights" has been modified since the architecture building exercise.

List of tasks included in this class

Task Total 
10  Human rights, fundamental rights 2.2% Medium task
39 Development and humanitarian aid  1.0% Tiny task

Organisational goals

for the Aid, Development cooperation, Fundamental rights class:

  • position EU as a stronger global actor
  • promote the benefits of EU actions via results (Accountability)
  • support and promote services
  • participation: promote public consultations; promote funding
  • transparency
  • make the case for Europe: Educate and advise about the existence of the Charter of Fundamental Rights: to ensure citizens are aware of their rights; remind EU citizens of the added-value of the EU; create a European Area of Justice, a framework of common justice
  • maintain pressure on EU countries to implement rights
  • support 10 priorities, eg Jobs, Growth and Investment.

Read more on Process to define the 15 classes: original research.

For more information

Please contact the appropriate Europa web content coordinator.