Corporate solutionsCorporate solutions are IT solutions devised by the European Commission. Whenever there is a corporate solution available, it should be the default solution for the websites in the Europa domain.Embedded third-party tools and servicesThis section covers the rules and guidelines applicable to websites, which need functionalities or services not included in the list of corporate solutions. A contractor – or third-party - provides these functionalities or services embedded in European Commission websites.Third-party platformsWhen a third party offers a service that cannot be embedded on a site and requires the use of a separate, publicly accessible instance hosted by the contractor (e.g. b2match, the whistleblower platform, etc.), your site has no choice but to link to this third-party platform.Europa Web Publishing PlatformThe Europa Web Publishing Platform (EWPP) is the state-of-the-art web publishing platform for building EU and EC websites. The platform is based on Drupal and includes a software package with a wide set of web content management features.Europa SearchEuropa Search is the centralised European Commission search engine. It allows web visitors to find relevant information on any particular subject published on Europa websites, irrespective of its location on Europa.Europa AnalyticsEuropa Analytics is the corporate web analytics service dedicated to monitoring the European Commission web presence. It allows you to track, analyse and understand better your website audience. No other analytics tool or service may be used. Europa WebtoolsEuropa Webtools is a portfolio of high-end corporate tools tailored for websites in the Europa domain. DG Communication offers in-house tools based on verified and approved third-party solutions, which you can integrate into any content management system. Europa video playerAll videos on European Commission websites must be published on the Audio Visual Portal and played using the Europa video player. The Europa video player provides an easy way to integrate video files on web pages and works on any device and browsing platform (web, mobile, apps...).Web streamingWeb streaming is a technology to deliver live images and sound on the web. DG Interpretation's webcast portal is a one-stop shop where citizens, organisations, public bodies and businesses can 'virtually' attend public conferences, meetings and information days.EU LoginEU Login is the European Commission's central user authentication service. It allows authorised users to access a wide range of Commission resources including websites, applications and services.eTranslation widget for non-EU languagesIntroduction of the eTranslation widget for non-EU languages.CIRCABC integration for document management in the Europa Web Publishing PlatformThe EWPP-CIRCABC integration helps to enhance document management possibilities in the Europa Web Publishing Platform (EWPP). It allows users to upload documents and their translations in an efficient way, especially when there are numerous such uploads to be handled in a short period of time. Storytelling webpagesThis section covers the rules and guidelines applicable to storytelling webpages.CAPTCHAsA CAPTCHA is an essential component of information systems dealing specifically with human users. The Sliding and the EU CAPTCHAs are optional tools and work as Commission-maintained solutions.Technical standardsBrowser supportFile formatsManagement and transfer tools Secure connection to European Commission websitesCode and documentation storage
Corporate solutionsCorporate solutions are IT solutions devised by the European Commission. Whenever there is a corporate solution available, it should be the default solution for the websites in the Europa domain.
Embedded third-party tools and servicesThis section covers the rules and guidelines applicable to websites, which need functionalities or services not included in the list of corporate solutions. A contractor – or third-party - provides these functionalities or services embedded in European Commission websites.
Third-party platformsWhen a third party offers a service that cannot be embedded on a site and requires the use of a separate, publicly accessible instance hosted by the contractor (e.g. b2match, the whistleblower platform, etc.), your site has no choice but to link to this third-party platform.
Europa Web Publishing PlatformThe Europa Web Publishing Platform (EWPP) is the state-of-the-art web publishing platform for building EU and EC websites. The platform is based on Drupal and includes a software package with a wide set of web content management features.
Europa SearchEuropa Search is the centralised European Commission search engine. It allows web visitors to find relevant information on any particular subject published on Europa websites, irrespective of its location on Europa.
Europa AnalyticsEuropa Analytics is the corporate web analytics service dedicated to monitoring the European Commission web presence. It allows you to track, analyse and understand better your website audience. No other analytics tool or service may be used.
Europa WebtoolsEuropa Webtools is a portfolio of high-end corporate tools tailored for websites in the Europa domain. DG Communication offers in-house tools based on verified and approved third-party solutions, which you can integrate into any content management system.
Europa video playerAll videos on European Commission websites must be published on the Audio Visual Portal and played using the Europa video player. The Europa video player provides an easy way to integrate video files on web pages and works on any device and browsing platform (web, mobile, apps...).
Web streamingWeb streaming is a technology to deliver live images and sound on the web. DG Interpretation's webcast portal is a one-stop shop where citizens, organisations, public bodies and businesses can 'virtually' attend public conferences, meetings and information days.
EU LoginEU Login is the European Commission's central user authentication service. It allows authorised users to access a wide range of Commission resources including websites, applications and services.
eTranslation widget for non-EU languagesIntroduction of the eTranslation widget for non-EU languages.
CIRCABC integration for document management in the Europa Web Publishing PlatformThe EWPP-CIRCABC integration helps to enhance document management possibilities in the Europa Web Publishing Platform (EWPP). It allows users to upload documents and their translations in an efficient way, especially when there are numerous such uploads to be handled in a short period of time.
Storytelling webpagesThis section covers the rules and guidelines applicable to storytelling webpages.
CAPTCHAsA CAPTCHA is an essential component of information systems dealing specifically with human users. The Sliding and the EU CAPTCHAs are optional tools and work as Commission-maintained solutions.
Technical standardsBrowser supportFile formatsManagement and transfer tools Secure connection to European Commission websitesCode and documentation storage