NewsThe European Commission publishes two types of news: political and policy news. These guidelines focus on policy news and how DGs can deliver a coherent news experience.EventThe European Commission is responsible for a wide range of events, many of which are open to the public. Offering a consistent online experience regarding events improves the user experience and contributes to higher satisfaction levels.AudiovisualThese rules and guidelines for audiovisual content apply to all videos, audio recordings, photos and images for external communication produced by, purchased by or licensed to the European Commission and its contractors.PublicationsEnsuring consistency in the way we identify and present publications on official EU and EC websites helps the audience know what is available, understand how to navigate, and easily find certain categories of content.FundingExtensive external user research has shown that content relating to EU funding is one of the three main reasons why visitors are using the European Commission’s websites. These rules are intended to ensure that such content is made as clear and as helpful as possible for users.
NewsThe European Commission publishes two types of news: political and policy news. These guidelines focus on policy news and how DGs can deliver a coherent news experience.
EventThe European Commission is responsible for a wide range of events, many of which are open to the public. Offering a consistent online experience regarding events improves the user experience and contributes to higher satisfaction levels.
AudiovisualThese rules and guidelines for audiovisual content apply to all videos, audio recordings, photos and images for external communication produced by, purchased by or licensed to the European Commission and its contractors.
PublicationsEnsuring consistency in the way we identify and present publications on official EU and EC websites helps the audience know what is available, understand how to navigate, and easily find certain categories of content.
FundingExtensive external user research has shown that content relating to EU funding is one of the three main reasons why visitors are using the European Commission’s websites. These rules are intended to ensure that such content is made as clear and as helpful as possible for users.