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Vehicle Fuels study - 2014


Publication date
18 February 2014


Study on the vehicle fuels market

The Sixth Consumers Market Scoreboard identified vehicle fuels as a poorly performing market from a consumer perspective, ranking it second lowest among the 21 goods markets on the overall market performance indicator. It had the lowest score of all goods markets on consumer choice among different retailers. The gap between the highest and the lowest country scores for this market was significantly higher than the average difference for all goods markets. The vehicle fuels market also scored below average amongst surveyed goods markets in terms of comparability, trust, problems and meeting consumers’ expectations.

For these reasons, the European Commission carried out a study (2014) on the functioning of the market for vehicle fuels from a consumer perspective in the European Union. It assessed the vehicle fuels market from a consumer point of view. The focus was on consumer information, understanding and decision making in this market.

A Commission Staff Working Document presents the main findings of the study, with particular focus on issues that are problematic for consumers and possible ways to improve market conditions for them. It also provides information on related Commission activities relevant for consumers in the fuels market.


18 FEBRUARY 2014
Vehicle Fuels part I Synthesis report
18 FEBRUARY 2014
Vehicle Fuels Part 2 Consumer Survey
18 FEBRUARY 2014
Vehicle fuels part 3 Price collection
18 FEBRUARY 2014
Vehicle fuels Part 4 Mystery shopping
vehicle fuels