Details Publication date21 October 2015 Documents 21 October 2015Decision establishing an independent advisory European Fiscal BoardDecision establishing an independent advisory European Fiscal Board 21 October 2015Recommendation: establishment of National Competitiveness Boards within the Euro AreaRecommendation: establishment of National Competitiveness Boards within the Euro Area 21 October 2015Communication: roadmap for moving towards a more consistent external representation of the euro area in international foraCommunication: roadmap for moving towards a more consistent external representation of the euro area in international fora 21 October 2015Proposal: laying down measures in view of progressively establishing unified representation of the euro area in the IMFProposal: laying down measures in view of progressively establishing unified representation of the euro area in the IMF
21 October 2015Decision establishing an independent advisory European Fiscal BoardDecision establishing an independent advisory European Fiscal Board
21 October 2015Recommendation: establishment of National Competitiveness Boards within the Euro AreaRecommendation: establishment of National Competitiveness Boards within the Euro Area
21 October 2015Communication: roadmap for moving towards a more consistent external representation of the euro area in international foraCommunication: roadmap for moving towards a more consistent external representation of the euro area in international fora
21 October 2015Proposal: laying down measures in view of progressively establishing unified representation of the euro area in the IMFProposal: laying down measures in view of progressively establishing unified representation of the euro area in the IMF