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Financial framework proposed by the European Commission


Publication date
12 December 2018


6 JULY 2012
COM(2012) 388 – Amended proposal for a Council Regulation laying down the Multiannual Financial Framework for the years 2014-2020
29 JUNE 2011
COM(2011) 500/I – Communication from the Commission: A Budget For Europe 2020, Part I
29 JUNE 2011
COM(2011) 500/II – Communication from the Commission: A Budget For Europe 2020, Part II: Policy fiches
29 JUNE 2011
SEC(2011) 868 – Staff Working Document accompanying "A Budget for Europe 2020" on system of funding and horizontal and sectorial issues
29 JUNE 2011
SEC(2011) 867 – Commission Staff Working Paper: The Added Value of the EU Budget
13 DECEMBER 2018
COM(2011) 403 – Draft Interinstitutional Agreement on cooperation in budgetary matters and on sound financial management
29 JUNE 2011
COM(2011) 398 – Proposal for a Council regulation laying down the multiannual financial framework for the years 2014-2020