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Quantum Spain: Spanish Supercomputing Network

Copyright: Quantum Spain
European Commission

Quantum Spain aims to promote and finance a competitive and complete quantum computing infrastructure in Spain. The project will provide the current national quantum ecosystem with the necessary tools to develop a solid scientific and technological fabric around quantum computing and its applications in Artificial Intelligence. 

Quantum Spain is an initiative promoted by the Ministry of Economy through the Secretary of State for Digitalisation and Artificial Intelligence and financed by the Recovery Funds. 

The project's budget is 22 million euros.  

It is scheduled to be implemented by 2025. 

The project involves different institutions in Spain: 

The first quantum computer based on European technology, the Marenostrum 5, will be constructed and installed at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center – Centro Nacional de Supercomputación (BSC-CNS). 

  • Fundación Computación y Tecnologías Avanzadas de Extremadura (Computaex) 

  • Fundación Centro de Supercomputación de Galicia 

  • Consorcio Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias  

  • Consorcio de Servicios Universitarios de Cataluña  

  • CIEMAT (Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas, Medioambientales y Tecnológicas)  

  • Fundación Centro de Supercomputación de Castilla y León (SCAYLE)  

  • Navarra de Servicios y Tecnologías (NASERTIC)  

  • Universidad de Zaragoza  

  • Universidad de Valencia  

  • Universidad Autónoma de Madrid  

  • Universidad de Málaga  

  • Universidad de Cantabria  

More information can be found here.