The Irish Recovery and Resilience Plan provides EUR 67 million in grant funding to ensure that primary and post-primary school pupils are equipped with appropriate digital skills. The provision of internet to schools across the country is key to ensuring a fair digital transition. This project will benefit communities across Ireland and is directly related to the next generation. The investment will provide high-speed broadband connectivity through the installation of routers in at least 990 primary schools. The provision of high-speed connectivity for all schools will provide the basis for early development of digital skills, and enable young people to become engaged thinkers, active learners, knowledge constructors and global citizens to participate fully in society and the economy. The investment will also support schools by providing digital devices and software to disadvantaged students. The first EUR 50 million funding to primary and post-primary schools to address the digital divide was issued in December 2021. Implementation of the whole measure is expected by 30 September 2023. More information be found on the Irish government webpages here and here. Pillar: Digital transformation Reference2.3Project locations Ireland EU contribution€67 000 000 Project website