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Increasing wood processing to accelerate the transition to a climate-neutral society

Development and making of table bases from in-house made laminated wood
Copyright: Mirjam Zdovc / Ministrstvo za gospodarstvo, turizem in šport

The investments will contribute towards increased domestic wood processing based on an environmentally friendly production process and resource efficiency.

These investments are financing new and expended capacities for wood processing. In both cases, activities follow the principles of sustainable construction and the use of best available techniques. They are also subject to strict do no significant harm criteria, in particular on the protection of biodiversity.

The Recovery and Resilience Facility provides funding of EUR 28 million.

The public call for project proposals was published on 25 March 2022, with six rounds of awards envisaged.

Due to a large number of project applications of high quality, the public call was closed after the second round of awards on 1 September 2022. Furthermore, in addition the initial EUR 28 million from the Recovery and Resilience Facility, the Slovenian government ensured additional EUR 11 million, leveraging a total of EUR 85 million of public and private investments.

The list of the fund recipients and a brief description of their projects is available here.

Additional links:

Top 100 recipients:

• MBS list d.o.o., project MBS list  -  razširitev kapacitet 
• MIO Commerce Vojnik, project Investicija v novo opremo mio oprema
• Mizarstvo Otmar Tatjana Mušič s.p., project Postavitev proizvodnega obrata mizarstvo otmar
• IM-Press d.o.o., project Izdelava sedal stolov im-press
• Mizarstvo Bogovič D.O.O., project Povečanje proizvodnje posteljnih vložkov bogovič
• Podgoršek d.o.o., project Investicija v nakup nove opreme podgoršek
• Filipič Miran s.p., project Razširitev predelovalnih kapacitet filipič miran
• Žaga - Tiples d.o.o., project NOO les Žaga Tiples
• Junikor d.o.o., project Nov objekt in nakup nove linije strojev Junikor

Mirjam Zdovc / Ministrstvo za gospodarstvo, turizem in šport
Copyright: Mirjam Zdovc / Ministrstvo za gospodarstvo, turizem in šport