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Green Tax Reform – Expert group to prepare proposals for a CO2e-tax

Groen skattereform foerste delrapport tilgaengelig
Copyright: Danish government

In the context of the Green Tax Reform, an expert group has been established and tasked to present proposals on possible ways to regulate CO2 emissions. The expert group should detail the advantages and disadvantages of a solution regulating the agricultural sector as well as a CO2 emission tax for that sector or a combination of the two. The work of the expert group includes that the suggested CO2 emission regulation would support the introduction of new technologies for the industrial sector as well as the agricultural sector. The expert group published its first report on a Green Tax Reform (Part I) in February 2022, focusing on emissions in the industrial sector. A majority in the Danish Parliament entered into an agreement that, in its main points, followed the conclusions made by the expert group. The Danish ministry for climate, energy and utilities states on its website that the expert group will publish its final report in the autumn of 2023.

More information can be found on the webpage of the Danish Ministry of Taxation at the following links:

Ekspertgruppen for en grøn skattereform - 1. delrapport | Skatteministeriet (

Aftale mellem regeringen og Venstre, Socialistisk Folkeparti, Radikale Venstre, Det Konservative Folkeparti om: Grøn skattereform for industri mv.(24. juni 2022) (

Grøn ekspertgruppe afrapporterer senest til efteråret (