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Fair and equal access of pupils to basic digital competence

Fair and equal access of pupils to basic digital competence
Copyright: Austrian government

The objective of the reform is to set out the framework conditions and provide supporting measures to enable fair and equal access for all lower-secondary-schools pupils to basic digital competences. It consists of several supporting actions facilitating the digitization in schools, including in-service training for teachers to improve their digital teaching skills.  This reform will help improving the overall infrastructure in the various school buildings involved in order to ensure the optimal use of the digital-end devices provided to pupils. Furthermore, the reform shall provide digital solutions to simplify pedagogical and administrative exchanges through a portal consolidating all applications for education and administration. With the entry into force of the ‘School Digitalization Act’ in 2021, the implementation of the reform is well underway and shall be completed by mid-2025.

More information and press releases can be found on the project webpage here

Fair and equal access of pupils to basic digital competence 2
Copyright: Austrian government