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Entry into force of the Government Decision approving the strategy for the development of the judiciary 2022-2025

The reform was implemented by adopting the Government Decision no. 436/2022 for approving the Strategy for the development of the judiciary 2022-2025 and its associated Action Plan.

The Strategy and associated action plan were prepared on the basis of an internal analysis of the judiciary system, on the conclusions and recommendations of external assessments, as well as on the proposals made by the key institutions from the judicial system, namely the Superior Council of Magistracy, the High Court of Cassation and Justice and the General Prosecutor’s Office.

The Strategy covers three main intervention areas:

a)    The independence, the quality, and the efficiency of the justice system
b)    Access to justice
c)    Fighting corruption and criminality.

The Action Plan provides key specific objectives and concrete actions to be implemented, such as:

  • adoption of the new justice laws
  • the implementation of the electronic file
  • the modernization of the local IT infrastructure (of courts, prosecutor's offices, etc.)
  • ensuring the continuous professional training of judges, prosecutors and clerks, including the development of their non-legal skills
  • strengthening the institutional capacity of the institutions of the judiciary
  • optimizing the access to public judicial aid
  • continuing the implementation of the investment programs in the infrastructure of courts and prosecutor's offices
  • designing and equipping the premises at the court level for the needs of people with disabilities
  • amending the Criminal Code and the Code of Criminal Procedure in order to bring them in line with the constitutional provisions
  • extending the legal mandate of the National Agency for the Management of Seized Assets
  • improving criminal investigation activity at the National Anticorruption Department by ensuring the necessary equipment, etc.

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