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Temporary agent - Legal officer - IT Contract Manager - COM/2023/2437


Vacancy notice COM/2023/2437

Function group: Administrator

Grade – AD5-AD8

Unit - DIGIT.R.3, Brussels   

Publication: until 20/10/2023, 12.00 hours noon Brussels time

We are

A dynamic team of around 35 fully committed colleagues working in the highly challenging environment of information and communication technologies. Our unit R/3 of the Directorate-General for Informatics (DG DIGIT) handles the ICT procurement and contracts (in the area of cloud, hardware, software and ICT services). The unit manages different types of procurement procedures (open, negotiated, restricted) and is at the forefront of implementing Dynamic Purchasing System procedures in the European Commission. Most of the contracts of general interest are used by other Directorates-General (DGs) of the European Commission and more than 70 other EU institutions, agencies and bodies. We carry out the tendering processes, lead (co/lead) the negotiations with suppliers, draft the contracts and deal with pre-litigious situations. We are one of the largest awarding services in the Commission, in annual average the awarded amounts are above € 2 billion.

We propose

There is currently an open vacancy in unit DIGIT.R3. According to Article 29 of the Staff Regulations, the candidatures from officials of the Institutions and laureates of competitions have precedence over candidatures from other categories of persons. The post is therefore also published internally in the Commission and inter-institutionally, and it is brought to the attention of competition laureates via the appropriate channels. However, should no suitable candidate be found among the aforementioned categories, it would be possible to consider other candidates, for a temporary agent position.

For these reasons, any person fulfilling the selection requirements may express his/her interest for the post.

If you join our team, you will be responsible for the smooth execution of calls for tenders and lead negotiations – whenever appropriate– with major ICT suppliers. In that role you will manage with your technical counterparts the multidisciplinary group in charge of the call for tenders. This also entails the drafting of tendering documents and ICT contracts, and the participation in evaluation committees. You will also be challenged in procedural and legal matters and may have to deal with pre-litigious situations. You will also be involved in contract management of inter-institutional contracts.

The work is very varied and intellectually challenging, while offering broad learning opportunities. It involves many contacts with outside companies, the technical services of DG DIGIT, other DGs, EU institutions, agencies and bodies; as well as a close daily follow-up of large-scale procurement procedures.

How to apply?

The interested candidates should send their CV + motivation letter respecting the deadline of the vacancy to the following email address:

DIGIT-CONTRACTS-INFO-CENTREatec [dot] europa [dot] eu (DIGIT-CONTRACTS-INFO-CENTRE[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu)    


5 OCTOBER 2023