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Germany’s recovery and resilience – Supported projects: Nation-wide investment scheme

Disclaimer: This page exclusively serves information purposes and is not an exhaustive database of projects funded by the Recovery and Resilience Facility. Notably, the map provides a snapshot of projects based on the current status of their implementation. It does not reflect the distribution of the projects funded by the Recovery and Resilience Facility across the different areas within Germany. The map will be regularly updated to include additional projects and information. The showcase of the projects in this page is without prejudice to any future assessment by the Commission in the context of the verification of the satisfactory fulfilment of milestones and targets pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2021/241 of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing the Recovery and Resilience Facility.

The measure references mentioned below are those contained in the Annex to the Council Implementing Decision approving the German Recovery and Resilience Plan and allow for easy identification of the measures.

For more info on the projects, please contact the Commission Representation in Germany: Soultana [dot] PASCHALIDOUatec [dot] europa [dot] eu (Soultana Paschalidou) and Tobias [dot] MAASSENatec [dot] europa [dot] eu (Tobias Maassen) (ESOs)


Support for the replacement of the private vehicle fleet

(reference 1.2.3 in the German Recovery and Resilience Plan)

The measure will help citizens shift to clean electric vehicles by giving financial support to buy more than 560,000 decarbonised vehicles. It will reduce the purchase prices of electric vehicles, which are usually higher than the price of vehicles with internal combustion engines and stimulate the market. It is complemented by other measures of the plan such as financing the installation of 50,000 publicly accessible recharging points and of 400,000 further recharging points in residential buildings (see measure above). The promotion of electro-mobility is essential to achieving the Paris climate goals in the transport sector.

The implementation was completed by 31 December 2022.

More information can be found on the website of the government here


Investment programme for teacher device

(reference 3.1.1 in the German Recovery and Resilience Plan)

A key obstacle to digital teaching is often the technical equipment of teachers. They often do not have the necessary technical equipment or the devices they use do not match their school's infrastructure. In addition, teachers process sensitive data on private devices that do not meet the necessary data protection requirements. With the programme "devices for teachers on a lending basis", the federal government has supported the federal states (Länder) in expanding digital teaching, learning and communication possibilities in schools. The provision of mobile devices aims at supporting teachers in the preparation and follow-up of lessons and in the implementation of digital teaching.

To that end, the administrative agreement between the Federal Government of Germany and the governing bodies at Länder level to implement this investment was published in the Federal Gazette (Bundesanzeiger) on 27 January 2021.

The implementation of the investment was to be completed by 31 December 2021.

More information can be found on the website of the government here and here


Investment programme ‘Childcare-financing’ 2020/21: special fund ‘Child Day-care Expansion’ Childcare financing

(reference 4.1.1. in the German Recovery and Resilience Plan)

Due to the high demand for childcare places and the increased requirements in terms of space and equipment, there is a high need for funding in daycare facilities and childcare. This investment will fund the creation of new childcare facilities and the refurbishment of existing facilities. In total 90,000 additional childcare places will be created. The target groups are providers of childcare facilities and daycare services (Länder, municipalities and other providers) who implement measures to expand daycare, i.e. to create and/or equip additional places for children up to the age of school entry, and who are dependent on financial support to achieve their goals. The target group also includes the families whose children benefit from the additional childcare places that are equipped to meet their needs. The implementation responsibility for the use of this financial assistance lies with the federal states. These have each drawn up specific (funding) guidelines that regulate the application, approval and use of the funds in detail.

More information can be found on the website of the government here and here