The Commission is presenting the Disability Employment Package to support Member States in ensuring that persons with disabilities enjoy social inclusion and economic autonomy through employment. The package is part of the Strategy for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities 2021-2030 and is in line with the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
Currently, only half of the 42.8 million persons with disabilities of working age in the EU is employed. The Disability Employment Package will help develop national policies that involve persons with disabilities in the fair green and digital transition.
Increasing the employment rate of persons with disabilities and reducing the employment gap will also contribute to the 2030 EU headline targets on employment and adults participating in training every year.
The PES Toolkit provides a practical guide, with concrete examples, for how Public Employment Services (PES) can promote the participation of persons with disabilities in the labour market. The objective of the toolkit is to provide PES with information and advice on strategies and practices in six areas: internal policies aimed at PES workers, services, active labour market measures, reasonable accommodation, outreach, partnership.
- Webinar on Improving labour market access for people with disabilities (video)
Briefing note - Lifelong guidance for persons with disabilities
Cedefop, together with its CareersNet partners in EU Member States and beyond, has collected examples of lifelong guidance policies and practices that support the rights and opportunities of people with disabilities. This briefing note showcases some of these initiatives in EU Member States and beyond, and presents policy pointers for further action.
Reasonable accommodation at work - Guidelines and good practices
These guidelines provide information, practical examples and references to help employers meet this requirement. It has been prepared with the help of the members of the Disability Platform and social partners who provided not only suggestions but also examples of good practices.
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