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Integrated Border Management Fund - Performance

Programme in a nutshell

Concrete examples of achievements (*)

1 470
pieces of equipment
were purchased for border crossing points and border surveillance purposes between 2021 and 2023.
168 492
visa applications
were made using digital means between 2021 and 2023.
means of land transport for border control tasks
were purchased between 2021 and 2023.
More than 1 300
pieces of equipment for border crossing points
are being purchased, maintained or upgraded using Customs Control Equipment Instrument funds under the first work programme.
More than 200
border crossing points (distributed across 24 Member States)
are receiving customs control equipment as a result of the grant agreements signed under the first Customs Control Equipment Instrument work programme.
More than 500
pieces of equipment for customs laboratories
are being purchased, maintained or upgraded using Customs Control Equipment Instrument funds under the first work programme.
More than 30
customs laboratories (distributed across 18 Member States)
are receiving customs laboratory equipment as a result of the grant agreements signed under the first Customs Control Equipment Instrument work programme.

Budget for 2021-2027


Rationale and design of the programme

The Integrated Border Management Fund (IBMF) creates EU added value by addressing challenges in the areas of the management of the external borders and common visa policy that cannot be adequately addressed by the Member States acting on their own.


Budget programming (million EUR):




  Financial programming:
  + EUR 1 314.8 million (+ 21%)
  compared to the legal basis*

* Top-ups pursuant to Article 5 of the multiannual financial framework regulation are excluded from financial programming in this comparison.

  • The initial financial programming for the BMVI as per the legal basis was EUR 5 241    million and is now reaching EUR 7 125 million (1).  This amount was affected by further modifications. On one hand, it was reinforced by almost EUR 620.8 million from the structural funds in the context of the Greek Partnership Agreement, EUR 1.1 million from AMIF for Estonia, EUR 87.5 million was added in the context of different draft budget procedures 2021-2024, the Fund also absorbed EUR 49.6 million of unused appropriations from the agencies. In 2024, the fund was reinforced by EUR 1 billion coming from the midterm revision of the multiannual financial framework. Finally, between 2021 and 2024 the fund was reinforced by EUR 453 million stemming from income from fines (2) and another EUR 181 million is to reinforce the 2025 budget. On the other hand, the BMVI was reduced by EUR 509 million to finance various legislative initiatives concerning DG Migration and Home Affairs agencies, of which 37% was used for the revision of Europol’s mandate . 
  • Regarding the CCEI, the budget for the whole multiannual financial framework period is EUR 1 006 407 000 and no modification to its budget have been incorporated since its creation


(1) Excluding expected income from fines in 2026 and 2027.

(2) Income from fines under Article 5 of the multiannual financial framework regulation for the BMVI.


Budget performance – implementation

Cumulative implementation rate at the end of 2023 (million EUR):



Voted budget implementation (million EUR)(1):


Contribution to horizontal priorities

Green budgeting

Contribution to green budgeting priorities (million EUR):



  • In line with the EU’s commitments to work towards achieving the United Nations sustainable development goals (SDGs), the BMVI and CCEI regulations commit, without having a fund-specific target, to contributing to achieving the EU’s goal of spending at least 30% of its total budget on supporting climate objectives and its ambition to spend 7.5% of the annual EU budget on biodiversity in 2024 and 10% in both 2026 and 2027, while considering the existing overlaps between climate and biodiversity goals.
  • This could happen, for example, by focusing on green procurement regarding (small-scale) assets and infrastructure / information technology systems, subject to specific provisions ensuring that products/services are chosen that reduce climate impacts by applying the best available technologies, using renewable energy in buildings, enhancing insulation, etc. For the time being no strict conditions on national programming or project selection, but Member States are encouraged to prioritise environment-friendly actions.



Contribution to gender equality (million EUR) (*):



Gender disaggregated information:
  • Reporting on gender disaggregated data is not mandatory under the BMVI. Managing authorities can decide, if they wish, to transmit gender-disaggregated data for indicators focusing on individuals. As of 2023, no managing authorities had opted to transmit gender-disaggregated data.
  • Due to the nature of the programme, the CCEI was excluded from reporting on gender-disaggregated data.


  • The IBMF/BMVI is committed to the horizontal approach of the EU budget, in which equality between women and men, rights and equal opportunities for all and the mainstreaming of these objectives should be considered and promoted throughout the preparation, implementation and monitoring of relevant programmes.
  • In the broader context, to receive payments from the Commission, the Member States’ programmes for the funds co-managed by DG Migration and Home Affairs will have to comply with the number of horizontal enabling conditions, one of which concerns the effective application and implementation of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights, including the equality of women and men. The horizontal enabling conditions must be fulfilled throughout the entire programming period, and Member States must report on their application to the programme monitoring committee and the Commission.
  • As regards the types of action supported by the BMVI, training and knowledge sharing habitually tackle gender-specific issues, which is why they are financial interventions that may have the potential to impact gender equality, among other areas. Therefore, the amount under the gender score (0*) is an estimate based on the shares of interventions relating to training and knowledge sharing.
  • In the context of the midterm evaluations, which are currently being carried out and are expected to be finalised by the end of 2024, the potential to affect the gender equality of specific types of intervention will be examined in greater detail



Contribution to digital transition (million EUR):



It is considered that activities under the specific objectives of the IBMF/BMVI mentioned below may partially contribute to the goal of digital transition:

  • supporting effective European integrated border management at the external borders;
  • supporting the common visa policy.

The amount contributing to the goals of the digital transition covers activities and interventions relating to the digitalisation of administration (government information and communications technology solutions, e-services, etc.) under shared management.

The CCEI does not have activities that contribute to the goals of digital transition.


Budget performance – outcomes


  • For the BMVI, the approval of the Member State programmes for 2021-2027, which represent the bulk of the resources of the instrument, took place in the last quarter of 2022, in line with the timing of most programmes covered by the common provisions regulation (Regulation (EU) 2021/1060).
  • By the end of 2023, with just one full year of implementation of the Member State programmes, it was not yet possible to identify any particular trends in the progress towards the targets (5) of the key performance indicators listed above. However, as outlined in the budget implementation section, progress was visible in 2023 from a financial perspective.   
  • Operations were selected by the managing authorities across both specific objectives, for a total cost that amounted to 31% of the Member States programmes’ allocations.
  • Overall, in 2023, Member States focused on launching calls for proposals, selecting operations and carrying out the preparatory work for specific actions. Reporting on outputs, and especially result indicators (6), is expected to gain momentum at a slightly later stage, once the number of operations reaches cruising speed. 
  • Under the first specific objective, on European integrated border management, the first achievements recorded relate to units of equipment purchased for border crossing points or border surveillance purposes, together with the development of information technology functionalities and large-scale IT systems. The first outputs have also been registered in connection to the purchase or lease of heavy and light equipment, such as means maritime and land transport for border control tasks. The results, in terms of equipment registered in the technical equipment pool of the European Border and Coast Guard Agency or put at the agency’s disposal, have yet to materialise. 
  • Under specific objective two, on the common visa policy, the main achievements recorded relate to projects on the digitalisation of visa processing and on the development or upgrading of large-scale IT systems. Also, under this specific objective, the number of visa applications using digital means is showing progress, though the results have yet to materialise.
  • As of 2023 there was no clear indication of issues with the implementation of the programmes that suggest the targets will not be met, except for external factors such as the general increase in prices and issues with the supply chain due to the deterioration in the geopolitical context or difficulties with the initial target setting. These elements may result, as part of the midterm allocation process, in duly justified changes to the targets being established by the Member States.
  • Importantly, the adoption of the New Pact on Migration and Asylum and the related midterm review of the multiannual financial framework are expected to be accompanied by a change in the targets for operations benefiting from the additional allocations. The strengthening of the legal framework is also a factor that could favourably affect the performance – and more broadly the effectiveness – of the support provided under the BMVI. The ultimate impact on the targets and the progress of the Member States programmes towards them will become clearer after the adoption of the Commission’s and the Member States’ implementation plans, and will be monitored as part of the amendments to the programmes.
  • The general increase in prices will also affect support provided under the BMVI via direct management, due to the use of fixed unit rates for certain types of costs. Despite a partial revision of the underlying legal framework, these rates remain unfavourable, and they may result in insufficient coverage of the real expenditure by the organisations involved in implementing the actions. This, in turn, may lead to reduced participation in future calls for proposals, along with project activities that need to be removed from the scope of existing support as they have become financially non-viable.
  • As regards direct management, in view of their specific nature and legislative objectives, the performance of transnational EU actions cannot be captured by the key performance indicators. Nonetheless, they complement the implementation of policy objectives at the national level through Member States’ programmes by developing policy analysis and innovation, transnational mutual learning and partnerships, and by testing new initiatives and actions across the EU. With these actions, the Commission supports valuable projects on innovations in border management. Their results are expected to be communicated to the Commission in 2025.
  • For the CCEI, with regard to the main performance indicator of the instrument – the availability of customs controls equipment and its adherence to the common list of equipment (6) that should be available for each type of border crossing point / customs laboratory – there is currently an overall adherence level of 9.74% for all border crossing points, with a further breakdown for border crossing points as follows: air: 13% (+ 18%); land: 7% (+ 3%); mobile: 36% (7)(+ 52%); post: 14% (+ 34%); rail: 9% (+ 12%); sea: 10% (– 12%) (8). These data clearly show that there are still critical equipment needs across all borders, in which the CCEI will continue to play an essential role.


(5) As is standard practice for shared management programmes, and in line with the legal framework, the milestones and targets have been established by the Member States based on their strategy and needs assessments and in line with the available resources indicatively planned in the programmes across predefined types of interventions. The Member States are indeed best placed to tailor the design of the programmes to their national context and needs. The methodology for target setting was shared with the Commission, which also provided methodological advice to the Member States. The milestones, targets and related methodology can be adjusted during the programming period in duly justified cases, such as a revision of the programme's strategy, relevant external contextual factors and changes in the distribution or volume of the available resources, and following a review by the Commission. An overall assessment of the relevance of the strategy and its targets compared to the evolving needs at both the Member State and the EU level will be part of the midterm evaluation of the programme.
(6) The performance assessment section is based on the latest available data for the key performance indicators. For those indicators that are based on the data transmitted by the Member States in the Annual Implementation Reports, the cut off date is 2022. This is clarified in the meta data annexed to the Programme Performance Statements, and due to the fact that information on the achievements in 2023 will only be included in the Final Implementation Reports, due by the end of 2024.

(7) The common list of equipment was adopted at the meeting of the CCEI Coordination Expert Group on 1 September 2021. In addition to the categories envisaged by the CCEI regulation, the mobile border crossing point category was added due to its strategic role in increasing the efficiency of customs controls by providing greater flexibility and unpredictability in the performance of the controls.

(8) For 2023, three new countries are accounted for in the data (Denmark, Greece and Malta), which has an impact on the numbers, in particular with a lower adherence level at sea border crossing points.

MFF 2014-2020 – Internal Security Fund – Borders and Visa

The BMVI builds on the investment and achievements made with the support of its predecessors: the External Borders Fund and the ISF – Borders and Visa. The fund has supported overall EU policies in the area of external border management and visas.


Cumulative implementation rate at the end of 2023 (million EUR):


Performance assessment


  • In 2023, the Commission continued to address the root causes of irregular migration and strengthen the protection of the EU’s external borders. The total number of detected irregular border crossings continued the upward trend, reaching almost 380 000, compared to 200 000 in 2021 and 125 000 in 2020. The Mediterranean and western African routes have seen the strongest increases (9),highlight the increasing level of pressure on EU’s external borders.
  • ISF – Borders and Visa is making a crucial contribution to the application of the Schengen acquis, with the investment in the effective control of the external border through the information systems at EU level and their interoperability, providing and sharing relevant information. The Fund has also contributed to the reinforcement of the capacities of Member States’ border management authorities. Special attention is still needed in the use of funds in the information systems area, to ensure that all available funding is absorbed, while taking into account the flexibility of the Commission’s proposal (adopted in April 2022) to prolong the implementation period for the funds still available to Member States under the 2014-2020 Home Affairs funds by one year due to the Russian war of aggression to Ukraine.
  • In terms of overall performance of the Fund, many of the indicators set in the regulation have achieved their targets or are on track to do so by the end of the programming period(10). The main difficulties reported over the last three reporting years relate to the possibility to carry out training activities and missions during the COVID-19 pandemic, the impact of inflation especially with respect to the cost of travels, equipment and construction works, as well as the timing for the adoption of EU-level legal acts on large-scale IT systems. Such issues have been remedied in many cases by making use of the flexibility offered by the revision of the legal base to use unspent resources and extend the project duration, by exploiting the possibility to organise remote training and exchanges etc. However, in some cases projects had to be cancelled and re-programmed for the subsequent programming period. Whilst the easing of COVID-19 related restrictions implies that there is a positive trend in 2022, the effects of the pandemic remain visible on some aggregated cumulative figures. The Commission is also fully and actively engaged in supporting the agreement and finalisation of the the large-scale IT systems.
  • On supporting a common visa policy, the trend shows that the cumulative values reported have been steadily increasing to achieve and in some cases overcome the targets, such as in the case of Consulates developed or upgraded. However, figures remain below the targets when it comes to training of staff in the area of visa and border management. Up to 2022, 7 051 people were trained in this area, which is approximately 62% of the target of 11 365. Training activities were among those most negatively affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, with a decrease of people trained to 816 in 2020 compared to 1 196 in 2019 and only a marginal improvement to 908 in 2021. Whilst implementation picked up to 1530 in 2022, there could be a lasting effect on the cumulative figures. In any event, the low aggregated target achievement often hides important differences at the Member State level and is partly explained by a few Member States having set overly optimistic targets.
  • On strengthening the EU external borders, progress is also positive but there is some variation across Member States and indicators. In this area, 41 355 border guards were trained by the end of 2022, achieving the target of 34 603. In total up to 2021, the instruments also supported the development or upgrade of 47 812 border control (checks and surveillance actions) infrastructure and means, which is well above the target of 19 902. However, the target for the number of crossings via the automatic border control gates supported by the fund remains unmet due to delays or changes in the needs in a few Member States.
  • The main lessons learned during the 2014-2020 programming period are shown below.
    • There was insufficient cooperation, coordination, and strategic steering in the implementation of the ISF with the other EU-level initiatives.
    • There is a need for better exploitation of innovation opportunities from EU civil security research.
    • There is a need to strengthen performance monitoring in terms of quality, reliability and frequency of the data and to set out common output and result indicators. This is being specifically addressed for the 2021-2027 programming by the new requirements contained in the legal basis and via the joint work of the Commission and national managing authorities on data quality.

(10) Increases in migrants apprehended are also due to the improved operational capacity of the European Border and Coast Guard Agency services and increases in the push-pull factors at the global level, including the progressive uplifting of restrictions linked to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Sustainable development goals

Contribution to the sustainable development goals

Reduce inequalities within and among countries

MigraSafe – Africa (15.1.2022-14.5.2024)

The general objective of the action is to support safe, orderly and regular migration through the promotion of legal pathways to the EU. In particular, through the promotion of and information on legal pathways both to the institutional stakeholders (Embassies, Consulates and local authorities), responsible for the formal sources of information on legal pathways, but also to the civil-society organisations (non-governmental organisations etc.) acting as informal sources of information to potential migrants, especially in remote areas, far from the capital cities (and thus, from Embassies, consulates and local authorities). The project will be implemented in eight African countries: Morocco, Senegal, Cape Verde, Tunisia, Egypt, Ghana, Nigeria and Ethiopia. 
Moreover, the project will provide EU Immigration Liaison Officers network members with accurate and updated information on legal migration that will help them engage in a comprehensive dialogue on migration with local authorities, as it will provide them with new tools and positive leverages.

Archived versions from previous years

Integrated Border Management Fund PPS 2023
Integrated Border Management Fund PPS 2022