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Class description

Research suggests users are interested in the EU's strategy, plan or policy on a specific topic. Content in the Strategy class on the European Commission website explains the European Union's overarching goals and helps users better understand how the European Commission approaches policy development and contributes to these goals; how priorities are set and how the strategy relates to the political priorities; and how the policy decision-making process works. It covers achievements on policy, providing access to DGs' strategic and management plans. The detail on individual policies and policy actions is covered on DGs' sites. A corporate policy content type will ensure a coherent user experience.

The Strategy section on the Commission core site links to the 10 Commission priorities and to Better regulation to encourage contributions to initiatives the Commission is preparing.

The class indicated in the header or footer of a Commission website links to its landing page: Strategy.

Original research

As with other classes, the Strategy class architecture is based on research and analysis of top tasks, user needs, organisational goals and analytics.

The top tasks and organisational goals are listed below. 

List of tasks included in this class

Task Total 
5 EU strategy, political priorities 2.8% Top task
36 Relations with non-EU countries, international organisations (diplomacy, cooperation agreements) 1.1% Small task
57 Security, defence (terrorism, sanctions, critical infrastructure) 0.6% Tiny task
63 Accession of new countries to the EU, enlargement 0.5% Tiny task
69 Resource security (oil, gas, raw materials) 0.4% Tiny task
71 Emergencies, disasters, civil protection 0.4% Tiny task

Organisational goals 

  • improve citizens' perceptions of the EU. Show the added-value, the impact and successes of the EC's and/or OLAF's work 
  • explain decision-making in a clear way; help others to explain
  • transparency of the decision-making process, the rules. Ensure availability of relevant documents
  • accountability
  • show the science behind EU policy

Read more on Process to define the 15 classes: original research.

Top task identification poll for “EU strategy, political priorities”

Factsheet - EU strategy, political priorities user survey

For more information

Please contact the appropriate Europa web content coordinator.