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Class description

The Business, Economy, Euro class content gives an overview of the European Commission's related activities in this field, by linking to level content within YourEurope Business (for example, on product safety questions) and by publishing more detailed sections on about the EU's approach to the economy. Economic forecasts and details of economic performance by country, for example, are published here, as is content relating to growth and investment.

The class also contains an explanation on how the EU coordinates economic and fiscal policy, together with a section on the banking and finance sector and its reform. Content about the Euro is shared between the European Commission website; and the European Investment Bank's online presence. The section links to several economic databases such as Ameco, DG Economic and Financial Affairs' annual macro-economic database. 

The class indicated in the header or footer of a Commission website links to its landing page: Business, Economy, Euro.

Original research

As with other classes, the Business, Economy, Euro class architecture is based on research and analysis of top tasks, user needs, organisational goals and analytics.

The top tasks and organisational goals are listed below. 

Note that the original class name "Business, Economy" has been modified since the architecture building exercise

List of tasks included in this class

Task Total 
21 Product safety, conformity, certification 1.5% Small task
25 Doing business in the EU 1.5% Small task
26 Economic growth, financial stability in EU (crisis, assistance to member states) 1.4% Small task
29 Industry norms and standards 1.3% Small task
30 Employing people (recruitment, terms & conditions...) 1.3% Small task
35 Banking and financial markets (reform, regulation) 1.1% Small task
42 Trade with non-EU countries (import, export, agreements, anti-dumping) 1.0% Tiny task


Loans, access to finance, micro-finance 0.9% Tiny task
46 Euro (coins, notes, eurozone, Economic and Monetary Union) (Task excluded from total - included in 'About') 0.8% Tiny task
47 Intellectual property, copyright, trademarks, patents 0.8% Tiny task
48 Customs, tariffs, quotas, duties 0.8% Tiny task
51 EU labels (eco labels, quality labels, audits) 0.7% Tiny task
58 Chemicals (approval) 0.6% Tiny task
60 Corporate social responsibility for business 0.6% Tiny task
61 E-government 0.6% Tiny task
64 VAT (Value Added Tax) 0.5% Tiny task
67 Transport safety (air, road, banned airlines) 0.5% Tiny task

Organisational goals

for the Business, Economy, Euro class

  • participation: informing about EU activities and obtaining feedback 
  • reputation and accountability: explain benefits of policies to encourage support; support decision-making by providing context; encourage support for policies, e.g. from other institutions; boost EU's credibility
  • clarification: clarify complex issues, providing and explaining technical information; demystify economic concepts and policies – explain why a policy is important; the Commission's role
  • transparency: be seen to be publishing documents, e.g. impact assessments 

Read more on Process to define the 15 classes: original research

For more information

Please contact the appropriate Europa web content coordinator.