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Construction of new railways and electrification of regional railways


This investment (funded with EUR 543m from the Recovery and Resilience Facility) aims at improving the Trans-European Network along the Baltic-Adriatic Core-Network Corridor and intra-regional connectivity in Austria through public transport.

It includes the construction of a new 130-kilometers-long railway line (Koralmbahn) between Styria and Carinthia, which will reduce the travelling time from Graz to Klagenfurt from three hours to just 45 minutes, while also making the journey safer. The Koralmbahn is part of the new southern route in Austria and one of Europe’s most important infrastructure projects. The investment comprises also the electrification of existing regional railway lines in the area of Carinthia, as well as the construction of new railways stations. The constructions works are well underway and expected to be completed by the end of 2025.

More information can be found here.

Top 100 recipients:

  • ÖBB Infrastruktur Aktiengesellschaft


new railways and electrification of regional railways image
Copyright: Austrian authorities