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News article24 May 2023Directorate-General for Digital Services1 min read

Commission launches survey to collect additional feedback on electronic invoicing

Why does your input matter?

With the evaluation of the eInvoicing Directive underway, your valuable insights will help shape the future needs of eInvoicing in Europe, ensuring that it remains relevant to stakeholders’ demands. The Commission will leverage your feedback to inform a report on the evaluation of the Directive.

What does the survey cover?

The survey covers a wide array of topics such as synergies with other EU initiatives, the uptake of eInvoicing in public procurement, the effects of the eInvoicing Directive on the internal market, the efficiency of the Directive in meeting its objectives, and the future needs of eInvoicing. Your perspective and experiences will be instrumental in driving positive change in the electronic invoicing landscape.

How to take part?

Participate by filling in the eInvoicing survey today. The survey will remain open until June 30 2023. If you have an additional feedback or you want to share your views via email, you can send it to EC-EINVOICING-SUPPORTatEC [dot] EUROPA [dot] EU (EC-EINVOICING-SUPPORT[at]EC[dot]EUROPA[dot]EU).




Publication date
24 May 2023
Directorate-General for Digital Services