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Knowledge for cities

To have a better knowledge base for EU policies and to promote exchange of good practices for implementation.  

Urban databases

Reliable data are important for understanding how cities really function and how they develop over time.

Urban Data Platform Plus

The Urban Data Platform Plus is a key component of the Knowledge Centre for Territorial Policies, it provides access to information on the status and trends of cities and regions in relation to population, urban and economic development, transport and accessibility, environmental and social issues. It also centralises information on  urban and territorial strategies supported by the EU cohesion policy, through the interactive mapping tool STRAT-Board. Finally, it provides tools and methods to localising the Sustainable Development Goals.


Other data sources for cities

Open Data Portal for the European Structural Investment Funds

Cultural and Creative Cities Monitor


Main studies and reports

Urban Europe – Eurostat Statistics on cities, towns and suburbs 

Policy Atlas of Sustainable Urban Development for Small Urban Areas (2023)

Post-pandemic trends in urban mobility (2023)

Urban PM2.5 Atlas (Air Quality in European Cities, 2023 Report)

New investment models for urban innovation ecosystems (2022)

Research and Innovation in Urban Mobility and Logistics in Europe (2022) 

BiodiverCities: A roadmap to enhance the biodiversity and green infrastructure of European cities by 2030 (2022)

European Handbook for SDG Voluntary Local Reviews (2022) and online platform 

Measuring the Impact of Urban Innovation Districts (2021)

Building urban datasets for the SDGs.Six European cities monitoring the 2030 Agenda (2021)

Handbook of Sustainable Urban Development Strategies (2020) and online platform 

Cities in the World: A New Perspective on Urbanisation report (2020)

Who owns the city? Exploratory research activity on the financialisation of housing in EU cities

Place-Based Innovation Ecosystems (2020)

The Future of Cities report (2019)  


Project databases

EU Results

EU regional-policy projects 

LIFE Project database





JPI Urban Europe

Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy

The European Urban Knowledge Network

United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG)






European Capital of Innovation

European Green Capital & EU Green Leaf Awards

Access City Award

European Capital of Culture

European Mobility Week award



European Urban Initiative (EUI)

Urban Agenda for the EU Newsletter

The Community of Practice on cities newsletter