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Centralised planning to increase housing supply

The Netherlands wants to ensure that the supply of constructed houses matches the overall housing needs and thereby address the current housing shortage.

The focus of this reform lies particularly on providing more affordable housing, and more housing for specific target groups, such as for example elderly people. At the moment, 70,000 to 80,000 new residences are built per year. The Dutch government aims to increase this number to 100,000, adding up to a total of 900,000 residences being built in the period 2022-2030.

For this purpose, the Dutch Minister for Housing and Spatial Planning has struck agreements on the construction of these 900,000 new residences with the twelve Dutch provinces. For each province a number of to-be-built residences has been agreed upon. Two out of three of these new residences will fall under affordable housing.

More information can be found on the website of the authority here and on social media here.