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  • Press release
  • 4 February 2025
  • Directorate-General for Communication
  • 1 min read

Faster progress needed to protect Europe’s waters and better manage flood risks

Young woman enjoys the river Soča, Trenta valley, Primorska, Slovenia


Clean water is the driving force of life. It is an essential resource for people and nature and for regulating the climate. And yet, according to new reports published by the European Commission on the state of water in the EU, while progress has been made to improve the EU’s water bodies over the past six years, more action is needed. 

There have been several positive trends resulting from the implementation of the Water Framework Directive, with groundwater bodies continuing to achieve good quantitative and chemical status. However, work is needed to meet EU targets on freshwater quality and quantity. Only 39.5% of EU surface water bodies are achieving good ecological status, and only 26.8% achieving good chemical status. The EU has made key recommendations to Member States to improve water management by 2027.

When it comes to flood risk management, the Commission recognises the notable improvements that have been made, but again emphasises that more needs to be done by EU countries, to expand their planning and administrative capacity, and adequately invest in flood prevention, especially given today’s reality of more frequent and severe flooding. The report on the Marine Strategy Framework Directive also finds there is substantial room for improvement, particularly about achieving good environmental status of all EU marine waters.

These reports cover the implementation of three key pieces of EU water legislation: the Water Framework Directive, the Floods Directive, and the Marine Strategy Framework Directive. 

To accompany the reports, the Commission has launched a call for evidence asking various stakeholders to share input and help design the future European Water Resilience Strategy.

For more information

Press release: Commission reports show faster progress is needed across Europe to protect waters and better manage flood risks

Water Framework Directive and Floods Directive Implementation reports - website

2024 assessment of Marine Strategy Framework Directive programmes of measures

European Water Resilience Strategy – call for evidence

Overview of EU water policy


Publication date
4 February 2025
Directorate-General for Communication