Page contentsPage contents Disclaimer: This page exclusively serves information purposes and is not an exhaustive database of projects funded by the Recovery and Resilience Facility. Notably, the map provides a snapshot of projects based on the current status of their implementation. It does not reflect the distribution of the projects funded by the Recovery and Resilience Facility across the different areas within Greece. The map will be regularly updated to include additional projects and information. The showcase of the projects in this page is without prejudice to any future assessment by the Commission in the context of the verification of the satisfactory fulfilment of milestones and targets pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2021/241 of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing the Recovery and Resilience Facility. The measure references mentioned below are those contained in the Annex to the Council Implementing Decision approving the Greek Recovery and Resilience Plan and allow for easy identification of the measures. For more info on the projects, please contact the ESOs Christos GOFAS (Christos [dot] GOFASec [dot] europa [dot] eu (Christos[dot]GOFAS[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu)), Vasilis NIKITAS (Vasilis [dot] NIKITASec [dot] europa [dot] eu (Vasilis[dot]NIKITAS[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu)) and Irene VLACHAKI (Irene [dot] VLACHAKIec [dot] europa [dot] eu (Irene[dot]VLACHAKI[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu)) or the Commission's representation: Anna DANTI (Anna [dot] Dantiec [dot] europa [dot] eu (Anna[dot]Danti[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu)). Energy renovation on residential buildings (reference C1.2, Measure ID 16872 in the Greek Recovery and Resilience Plan) Greece has a comparatively old building stock. This means that there is significant potential for energy savings. The investment aims to renovate more than 100,000 residences and provide for targeted support to energy-poor residences. The investment will improve isolation and install more energy efficient heating systems, while also contributing towards the digitalisation of final energy consumption through energy management systems. The investment also covers multi-storey buildings, including apartments as well as common areas of the building accessible to all residents. The renovations will yield significant primary energy savings (on average 30%), thereby reducing the electricity and heating bills of the households. This will contribute to the energy efficiency targets set out in Greece’s National Energy and Climate Plan. To date two rounds have been launched. The first round that was launched in December 2020 saw some 36,000 applications submitted out of which 33,566 were approved. By November 2021, 2,166 renovations were completed. The investment is expected to be completed by end of 2025. More information can be found on the project webpage here (in Greek) Links to TV spots (on YouTube) (in Greek): 'Economic Programme - Smart Home' here and here Digital Transformation of SMEs (reference C2.3 Measure ID 16706 in the Greek Recovery and Resilience Plan) The measure introduces a support scheme that supplies vouchers to SMEs which can be used for the purchase of digital technologies and related services. Via an online platform, SMEs can easily apply for support and select a digitalisation solution that fits their needs. The project also includes advisory support for developing new digitalisation solutions. Upon completion, the project is expected to provide digitalisation support to at least 100,000 SMEs via the voucher scheme and help at least 1,000 SMEs to develop new digital solutions. The project also supports SMEs in upgrading their cash registers with computer-based solutions and replacing outdated Point of Sale systems. Once the project will be completed by mid-2025, the target is to have at least 500,000 cash registers upgraded or replaced with computer-based solutions and 100,000 old Point of Sale systems replaced. Investments are targeted towards technologies and services such as e-payment, e-sales and e-invoicing applications, tools for digital advertising, systems for teleworking, business analytics, digital upskilling, backup and disaster recovery services, artificial intelligence, Internet of Things, supply of integrated solutions for contactless service, cybersecurity systems, cloud infrastructures and services, industrial data platform templates and software, cash Registers and POS ecosystem upgrade. The investment aims to support the digital transformation of Greek SMEs as well as to enhance transparency and healthy competition through Next-Gen POS and cash registers. More information can be found on the project webpage here (in Greek) Links to TV spots: 'Digital Transformation of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises' here (on YouTube) (in Greek) 'Digital Small and Medium-sized Enterprises' here (in Greek) Vouchers to students for laptops and other IT stuff (reference C3.2, Measure ID 16676 in the Greek Recovery and Resilience Plan) This measure provided more than 500,000 students, age 4 to 24, from low-income families and more than 150,000 teachers of primary and secondary schools with a voucher of EUR 200 for the purchase of a tablet, laptop or desktop device. The project promoted digital transformation of the education system while targeting the low-income population. The project facilitated access to e-learning during the pandemic, when schools were closed, and lessons were delivered online only and required the use of an IT device. Some students had no laptop and were forced to follow lessons using their parents’ smartphone or they were obliged to miss lessons. The project allowed thousands of students from low-income families to follow school lessons and it prevented marginalisation and social exclusion. Even if the vouchers for teachers were only available when the school closing period was over, they were still helpful to promote digital skills of teachers and further promote the digitalisation of the education system. The measure became very popular thanks to television ads by retail providers of IT equipment. It was completed in July 2022. More information can be found on the project webpages (in Greek): Digital Care II - General information here Digital Care II - Digital access forms here Submission of applications here Link to TV spot 'Digital Care' here (on YouTube) (in Greek) Mastography programme (reference C3.3, Measure ID 16783 in the Greek Recovery and Resilience Plan) The measure is already running and aims to provide a free of charge breast cancer diagnostic test to 85% of women aged 50-69 (estimated number of beneficiaries: 1,100,000 women). The measure comes on top of another programme providing a cervical diagnostic test to 50% of women aged 21-65 (estimated number of beneficiaries: 1,680,000 women). These interventions aim to perform diagnostic tests to most women protecting them from cervical and breast cancer. More information can be found on the project webpage here (in Greek) Links to TV spots: 'Preventive Mastography Programme Fofi Gennimata' here (on YouTube) (in Greek) Clip here (on Facebook) (in Greek) on the Facebook page of the Secretariat-General of Public Health Copyright: Greek government Training programmes unemployed and private sector employed persons (reference C3.2, Measure ID 16913 in the Greek Recovery and Resilience Plan) This measure has already provided digital, green and financial literacy skills to 120,000 unemployed persons and aims to train another 150,000 private sector employees, including in SMEs, by April 2023, thus facilitating the digital and green transition. Training providers belong both to the public sector and to the private one, meeting specific quality assurance criteria. The investment was combined with a reform of the national lifelong learning system that was completed in February 2022 and improved the delivery model of upskilling and reskilling programmes as well as the skills intelligence tools used to forecast skills needs, thereby enhancing the ability of the system to provide high-quality and labour market relevant training to those who need it. More information can be found on the following webpages (in Greek): Project webpage here Press release by the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs here Press release on Greece 2.0 here Links to TV spots (on YouTube) (in Greek): 'Putting my future on schedule' here 'Going Forward Programme' here Copyright: Greek government Economic transformation of the Agricultural Sector (reference 4.6, Measure ID 16626 in the Greek Recovery and Resilience Plan) The Greek Recovery and Resilience Plan includes major investments in the agricultural and rural development sector. The projects that will finance the agricultural sector aim at its modernisation and improving the sector's resilience. They include a series of investments that will strengthen the development, will improve connectivity and will achieve financial and digital transformation as well as increasing productivity in the sector. In this context, strong incentives will be given to private investments for green and digital transformation of businesses, the enhancement of innovation and their extroversion. The programme is linked to the ongoing reform to support collective schemes in order to address the structural issues of the primary sector (small and fragmented land parcels) for instance. It is estimated that more than 520 projects in the primary sector throughout Greece and with a total budget of more than EUR 1 billion will be funded through this project. The project will cover mostly collective groups and SMEs that will invest in innovation and green and digital transformations, contributing to the sustainability and competitiveness of the Greek agricultural sector. More information can be found on the project webpage here Copyright: Greek government TV interview with Mr. Konstantinos Baginetas, Secretary-General for Rural Policy and International Relations (on YouTube) (in Greek)Copyright: Greek government
TV interview with Mr. Konstantinos Baginetas, Secretary-General for Rural Policy and International Relations (on YouTube) (in Greek)Copyright: Greek government